Saturday, 30 March 2019

One Daily Positive - Week 13

One day I might write a whole weekly blog post that doesn't involve sand, blood tests, scans or dental surgery, who knows when, but it's not this week for sure.

Think it's time to get new tenants and agent, since the last agent left the company, things have run as smoothly. We found the building regulations sign off sheet after the loft conversion in 2004, to prove we had fire doors and an adequate escape route. When the tenants moved in in 2017 they removed the automatic door closers that form part of the regulation requirements, we had them put them back on, but they keep asking to have them removed which would mean replacing all doors with fire doors and now mysteriously 2 of the bedroom doors slammed shut in the wind the other week and need replacing

Also I had a new boiler installed last March and it's due a service, they've rearranged the appointment 3 times now and it will invalidate my warranty if it's not carried out soon, the agents failed to inform us the service wasn't carried out on Monday as arranged.

We had tenants from hell in 2012 and a rental agent who was scared of the tenants. Our current agents keep coming down on the tenants side, even telling me the tenants are conscientious and have always taken great pride in the properties. All I've ever had is complaints about the quality of repair work that some how is always at our expense and is arranged by the agents not us.

Alarm bells are ringing and it's time for a change, before we get into another mess that we've only just financially recovered from.

83 Sunday Swept through the downstairs and mopped after de shedding the cat and dog, then off to the gynaecologist to see if irregular bleeding is the cause of my anaemia or something more sinister. My stomach doesn't absorb iron or B12 and my levels can only be maintained by infusions and injections, I've never been anaemic when my iron levels were low. Spent the afternoon in bed, I'm so tired all the time and having cognitive difficulties processing what I'm thinking, saying and doing.

One minute it's raining then blowing a sand storm, then too hot. Guess I'll spend a lot of summer dreaming of the cold.

84 Monday Dental surgery bone grafts and implants for two teeth. 4 hours in the dental chair and £3,600 lighter in my wallet. I have a mouth full of stitches. This is phase 2 of 5. Phase 3 is next week, 2 hours and one implant and bone graft in my lower jaw. Slept most of the afternoon and didn't sleep much at night. Had some rice and fish for dinner.

85 Tuesday woke early and felt absolutely fine, face swollen but no pain other than irritation with the stitches. Dentist phoned to see how I was, I was at the dog park drinking coffee, he was surprised I was out and about and was eating and drinking as normal. Had a sleep in the afternoon after doing the ironing and sewing the lining of my winter coat, then Peter came home early and we went out for coffee, had dinner, watched TV and bed.

Meet Bob, Boris, Harvey, Jade and Geoff. Some of the regulars.

86 Wednesday Peter was at a meeting all day then out for dinner with clients, so I dropped him at the hotel and I headed off to the beach for a walk, a paddle and coffee, breakfast and blogging. I forgot my purse, it was raining so I returned home, made soup and dog biscuits and watched TV. I popped out for coffee, collected Peter and had an early night while Peter went out with colleagues.

The face of dental surgery, bruised, swollen and lopsided.

87 Thursday Woke to torrential rain again, roads flooded. Dog wanted to go out then come straight back in he's not used to this rain anymore. Took myself off to the local mall for coffee, blogging and pick up a few bits and pieces. Finally it stopped raining so Bob and I went out for the afternoon.

88 Friday Took Bob for a long walk, we stopped for coffee on route and then spent the rest of the morning watching TV back in bed. Got ready around midday and headed off to Brunch, spent the evening recovering on the sofa. The stitches in my gums are really aggravating me now and making the gum sore.

89 Saturday A lovely lie in, followed by a dog walk, weather is getting quite humid and these day time walks will end soon. Watched movies all day and persuaded Peter to pop out for a McDonald's  for the cat's birthday party.

On the blog this week:

After 16 years of owning teenagers, the last one turns 20 next month. I did however stop day to day parenting almost 7 years ago, when the almost 20 year went to boarding school. So empty nest is well and truly over

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  1. Hope the stitches are feeling better now! The surgery sounds pretty horrendous, but hopefully it will be worth it in the long run. Love the photos of all of Bob's friends at the dog park and I do love your tradition of celebrating the pets' birthdays with a McDonalds!

    1. we have one more celebration to come. bob's adoption day in April lol

  2. Oh dear, 4 hours at the dentist! That sounds horrendous. Hope your sore stitches will soon feel better. Love the photos of Bob and his friends. Happy birthday to Pushkins!

    1. The worse part of the dentists is the sitting in the chair and the neck pain afterwards

  3. It wouldn't be the same if you didn't mention at least the sand or blood tests. hehehe
    Ugh! Your tenants sound like a right pain in the bum. We are due a service on our boiler and I wouldn't dare rearrange the appointment the landlord has made unless it was a major emergency! Eesh!
    Wow! That is a lot of money to pay out to the dentist. Eek! You have recovered so quickly and well from it.
    Happy birthday to your cat! I love that you celebrate! Your lightbox is so much better than mine. hehehe

    1. there's more tales from the dental chair in week 14 also

  4. What a pain about the tenants and agents. Hope you get some decent ones in next. The hassles like this is what puts me off buying a house to let out with my inheritance despite what everyone says.

    Painful with the dentist - both cost and inconvenience/pain. Hopefully the stitches come out soon and the work is finished.

  5. Your dental ordeals make me feel really queasy, can't imagine what they are like to go through for real. Hope the stitches are less troublesome soon. I feel your pain with tenants and agents and issues with boilers not being serviced when they should be. I don't think agents work for us as clients at all really. #365

    1. nope the agents aren't on our side and we're the ones they make the money from, not the tenants

  6. Sounds like you are going through a lot at present. Hope that things get better for you. #365

    1. I'd say it was actually relatively quiet compared to previous years

  7. ouch to the dentist work and the bill......long time since I have needed anything done with my teeth.
    My dog will not go out in the rain either.
    Happy belated birthday Pushkins

    1. half way through now with the dental work, been painful but not as bad as i thought

  8. That does sound like a lot and a lot of pain. But I am sure it'll all be worth it. I hope things improve lovely xx

  9. Happy birthday to Pushkins!

    The whole dentist experience sounds gruelling...4 hours in the chair??? Glad you were able to eat and drink pretty soon after though.

  10. I hope the dental work has settled down a bit now: will find out tomorrow in your next post! I can't imagine my youngest turning 20, the teen years still seem so far away but can't believe Zach turns 3 next week! #project365

    1. time certainly does fly the older you get

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