Monday, 6 May 2019

We're going to be grandparents.

Child 2 and 2a asked us to phone them mid February. They had been visiting us only the week before so Peter's response was 'I wonder what they want?' My response 'I bet we're going to be grandparents'

I was right.

Our first grandchild is due 20th September 2019.

We're going to be Granddad and Granny, we've been told and have no say in the matter. I'm not keen on being called Granny, it's what you call old people, not a 47 year old. I don't have any other suggestions so I'll just go with the flow as long as my kids don't call me Granny, when speaking about me I don't mind really. It'll be up to the Grandchild what I'm called anyway.

It'll set a precedent for the following grandchildren. I called my father's mother Gran, my cousins called her Nan. My kids call their fathers mother, Granny, their cousins call her Nan also. I find that confusing and assume they're talking about their other grandmother.

I wrote a blog post the other month about being middle aged and not particularly liking it that much, with the next stage of my life being a grandparent and it making me feel old. That was written just a week before the pregnancy announcement.

Well the time is almost here, I don't feel any older. I'm excited for 2 and 2a and what the future brings for them and for us. My mother was the same age as me when she became a Nanna, with my first born. She's became a Great Grandmother at the age of 69 to my nieces children and is still young enough to take a hands on role with them.

We're a family of 7 with a DIL in and a DIL to be and now there will be another one joining our family very soon and we are a little bit excited.

I'm also pleased to say that 2 and 2a are taking the approach of waiting till the baby is born to find out the sex, that won't stop me shopping though.

Just need a nickname now for the baby for my blog ahead of its arrival in September. Any suggestions?


  1. Aww that is so exciting. Huge congratulations xx

  2. This is the best news! :) Reading this has proper cheered me up, such fantastic news for you all! Many congratulations to you all! Sim x

    1. thank you, it's lovely to have nice news to share

