Saturday, 5 October 2019

Week 40 One Daily Positive - Back to our granddaughter

Last week I was asked why I called my great nephews and niece 'Things' This week I've been told it's a shame I've had to keep things secret.

I'll explain again.

It wasn't my baby, it wasn't my news to share. They wanted to make the announcements. They are choosing not to post her photos or name online. That is their choice. I fully respect it. I did ask why. I used to work in child protection.

My son got married this weekend, oh my word, the panic about photos getting out in advance, but again, it's their wedding, their choice when to share. They were slightly busy on the day, they posted first thing in the morning after we all sent our pictures to them. The wedding video is on my facebook, there's a blog post of mine with more pics also to come.

There seems to be an assumption that as I'm on the internet ALL the time that I'm most likely to be the one who posts, but hmmmmmmm. I will confess though, not posting photos of our granddaughter is difficult.

272 Sunday A very late night and lots of alcohol meant for a very slow, leisurely day. We left the Manor House around midday, took a leisurely drive to Belfast airport to drop my MIL off and then joined 4 and 4a with her parents at their house for dinner.

273 Monday We set off to Dublin, crossing the border and only noticing when the speed signs changed from mph to km and we noticed the post boxes were green. Good luck The Isle of Ireland with all this Brexit nonsense. Spent the afternoon, evening and night with friends of Peters and went out for dinner and consumed more gin and wine.

274 Tuesday After breakfast we returned the car hire, checked in with Ryan air and after a delay for an hour we collected car hire and drove straight to the 2's for Peter to meet his granddaughter for the first time.
This is my pissed off face. We obviously forgot to tick the 'pay extra for customer service' box with Ryan Air and as for the car hire company, well lets just say 'we won' in the end.

275 Wednesday Nothing happened other than unpacking and washing till midday, then a food shop, late lunch and off to visit the 2's.
Watching the wedding video

276 Thursday Coffee shop and blogging visit then off to visit 2a and 2b and a walk out to their local coffee shop. Called in for Peter to meet Thing 4 and off to my mums for a catch up.

277 Friday Collected child 5 from his home in the Cotswolds, bought a new towel rail and bath panel for the flight, interesting drive home with most of it on my lap. Peter shut the car boot on my head, as I dived back in to grab the umbrella. Off to visit the 2's for child 5 to meet his niece for the first time. Fish and chips at my mums for supper.
Cousins. My niece aged 8 and child 5 who is 20. Minecraft.

278 Saturday Took child 5 to visit Thing 4, then collected child 1 to join us taking 5 home to the Cotswolds, stopping for lunch and generally just taking the day easy.

Nothing on the blog this week, been too busy. But look out next week for an influx of wedding photos.

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  1. That sounds like a very busy week. How lovely to spend these special times with your family. Love the photo of the cousins playing Minecraft together. There's a big age gap between my kids and their cousins too. I particularly love seeing my boys with my 4yo nephew.
    People really should mind their own business over what you do and don't post! Clearly you are going to respect the 2's decisions on these things.

    1. my niece is closer in age to the Things, her nephews and niece. Sounds weird being an Aunty from the age of 2 lol. It has been a busy trip and so lovely for it to all be happy

  2. You are right. The news hasn't been your news to share. You are doing the right thing. It must be hard though.
    What a gorgeous photo of you all from the wedding. I love your dress!
    Uh-Oh! You have a very angry, peed off face. I would hate to feel the wrath of your anger. Eek! x

    1. thank you, i love that dress and will get lots of wear out of it in the future also. Oh for sure you don't want to be anywhere near me when I'm cross lol

  3. Totally agree about the parents having the right to decide if/when/where their children appear on the internet. I appreciate as proud grandparents you want to show her off but the fall out from the 2's if you were to go against their wishes would be damaging beyond belief. We have done the same - not showing grandkids or wedding photos etc until they have shared their photos first and it is difficult.
    Another busy family filled week, love how you fit so much in to your visits here.
    Glad the wedding went well.

    1. exactly, it's not about pissing people off, it's about respect, which works both ways

  4. I tend to think that people who are on the internet more tend to think more carefully about what they share because they are more aware of the etiquette and the dangers. You do look great in the wedding picture.

    1. thank you. I do think people who don't use social media much tend to think that the ones who do, don't know how to use it safely either

  5. Really busy week. Love the wedding picture. We've got gaps between cousins too - although it's only big from oldest to youngest (N age 8 and his oldest cousin / godfather - 21). I'm with you on photos. It's only fair that people get to decide what and when photos get released, and where.

    1. there are huge age gaps between me and my cousins on my mums side also. I've no issue not posting photos and will always ask anyway

  6. It is hard not to share news, especially that kind of news that isn't really your news, but exciting though. Gorgeous photos from the wedding. Love the dress xx

    1. It is hard, but I don't mind not sharing. The wedding was fab and I'm looking forward to wearing the dress again

  7. It must be hard not to share photos of your granddaughter but I can understand their wishes. The wedding did look lovely from your photos and I'm glad you all had a good time. I won't fly with RyanAir unless I have no other choice #365

    1. I've created a private facebook page for 'only me' to show the baby when she is older and her mother is printing off pictures for frames and albums

  8. Ignore those that feel the need to comment stuff like don't have to explain or justify anything. It is totally the parents right if they don't want their kids online and good on you for respecting that.

    You all look great in the wedding photo!

    1. we had such fun at the wedding and I can't wait to wear the dress again. there's always someone who isn't happy with the way our lives are run

  9. Another lovely family week!! The wedding picture looks lovely. Everyone looks great. It's alright, you don't have to tell their names but thank you for clearing up what each 'nickname' meant.

    1. you're welcome, i don't wish to name the family members it's up to them to tag themselves in my posts which they do willingly

  10. Why do some people come up with this preposterous ideas that you have to share everything? You're absolutely right not to share photos, when asked not to.
    Beautiful wedding photo, with a very glamourous bride.
    Ryan Air is a pain, from what I remember.

    1. I must say not being able to share photos does make me feel like I'm having to mute a subject, I know the ones who got married last month won't feel the same way

  11. I remember when my sister had her baby and I was desperate to share on Facebook but couldn't. That was before I became a blogger! More recently Chris and I kept our engagement secret for 2 weeks until we had organised verything and told our families. Looks like you have had a good time with family despite Ryanair's 'help' #project365

    1. I really don't mind keeping secrets like this as it's not my news, but i do wish when i had news to share that those who choose not to don't criticise me for doing things my way

  12. Surely whatever you decide with the family is your choice and one you have made on the basis of respect? Just because we are online doesn't mean we share everything. Sounds like a very busy and lovely week catching up with everyone. Apart from Ryan air and the car boot. Looking forward to seeing more of the wedding photos.

    1. really must get round to sorting out the wedding photos

