Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Day out with my dog - Croome National Trust

I didn't realise how close Croome was to our home in Malvern until I joined the National Trust after looking for places I could go with Bob the dog.

They've done an excellent job of creating a one way system and maintaining social distancing during the pandemic and I can't wait for the house to reopen to explore in their also, although I've no idea what I'd do with Bob.

As with some National Trust properties, dogs must be kept on leads and in several parts of the walk around the garden there were requests for dogs to be walked on short leads.

Bob and I made a picnic stop in the grounds and paid to a visit to the well stocked coffee shop and seating area where there were several dog bowls full of water at tables.

I'll will be revisiting here as often as possible. Later this week Bob and I off to Charlecote in Warkwickshire, another dog friendly National Trust property.


  1. How lovely! Looks like a nice place to visit and so great that dogs are welcome too. Will Bob travel back to Dubai with you?

    1. No Bob is staying in the UK from now on, he's getting too old to be travelling

  2. It is a lovely location to walk around x #pocolo

  3. Bob the dog looks as if he's loving life in the UK. I'm looking forward to days out and long walks when our pup is older. #pocolo

    1. Bob just can't get enough of being outdoors

  4. Looks a great place, hope you and Bob both enjoy your adventures. #PoCoLo

    1. We’re really enjoying our days out in the uk

