Friday, 11 December 2020

11th - 13th December 2020 - Post Comment Love

Welcome back to the final #PoCoLo of the year with Stephanie and I. We're taking a break over winter and will be back with you on January 8th 2021. We'll send out reminders so you don't miss us.

What a year it's been for everyone in so many ways. As an expat things haven't been too different for me, I've still travelled between the UK and Dubai, but not as frequently. I've missed seeing family even when I've been in the UK, although I have appreciated the garden visits. I've spent more than half the year separated from my husband.

The isolating has given me the time to get all the work done on the house to return it to a decent condition after 9 years of tenants and to get the garden sorted. It's not finished, but it's ready now to be sold, if we choose to move or a nice clean base now to work from to make it our home again.

I'm not getting anywhere with holding anyone responsible for our delay with the container and additional costs incurred since my return to Dubai. The UK made it clear my contract was with the company in Dubai, they've made it clear it's the fault of the shipping company who have said it's the fault of both the Dubai and UK companies. The Dubai company do owe me £500 from their failure to obtain insurance in time and are blaming covid for their inability to make an online payment since the middle of October, when I've managed to make numerous payments online to accounts in and from the UK, in and from Dubai and a recent gift into my sons account in Australia. I hate being fobbed off and treated as if I'm stupid.

Anyway, I will get closure on this one way or another, but for now....

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you back in the New Year.

Suzanne x

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