Saturday, 9 January 2021

2021 Week 1 - One Daily Positive. The week with the slipped disc

This year starts and ends on a Friday, so I’m going to do the same with my weekly post. 2021 got off to a good start for us. We’ve been out and about, the weather is perfect for long walks, breakfast, lunch and dinner outdoors and just sitting in the garden drinking tea or a glass of wine. That was until day 5.

Sadly it won't last long. I'll be back in the UK the end of the month and by the time I return in April/May it'll be getting too warm and we'll be forced back inside under the air con.

I got my £500 refund from the packing company, unfortunately I ended up yelling at them down the phone and threatening them with legal action. I have raised a file with Dubai Consumers to see if I can recover the costs of getting my sofa from the neighbours garage into the house via the removal of a uPVC door and the removal costs of all the packaging and boxes, this however is now a matter for the courts. Financially all I need to chase up now is the final closure of my bank account and monies owed from the landlord company and car insurance refund, as in I just need to collect the new cheques written out in Peter's name as my account is closed.

1 Friday Happy New Year and the day was spent walking along the Dubai Water Canal, taking photos for the construction projects I've been following. We stopped for lunch at the Hamptons along the beach road, where they even suggest what food you'd like to order from the menu to get the maximum response from Instagram, mmmm a tad pretentious of them and as a result, nothing was photographed. In the evening we went back to the Beach for dinner and then to watch the fireworks (so good they do it twice) and drone light show, meeting up with a friend and her daughter afterwards for a coffee.

2 Saturday We visited Al Seef in the Old Town of Dubai by the Creek for a coffee and a walk. It was very quiet in the Souk area and many stalls had closed. We visited the coffee museum and then home for a late lunch and the afternoon and evening spent watching football. Al Seef was constructed in 2017 to recreate the area from the 19th Century. There was a guy in the Coffee Museum who was telling his captive audience how they could keep the Burj Khalifa and the Malls as being back here in the original old buildings was a far better experience. We didn't have the heart to tell him where he was was only 3 years old.

3 Sunday Peter was back in the office today and I spent the morning putting the Christmas decorations away and paying some bills online. The new metro line opened on Friday, so I decided to give it a whirl and took myself off in search of coffee and more construction photo opportunities. 

4 Monday Had the first of 2 injections for the covid vaccine today. I've opted for the Chinese version, Sinopharm because the 2nd injection is due in 3 weeks time, making the timescale just right for me before I return to UK the following day. I'm concerned that the UAE may make it mandatory for visiting here before I get chance to have it done in the UK.

5 Tuesday My back has been hurting for a few days, sitting down has been uncomfortable but last night I had no sleep due to the pain on every movement, so I finally managed to get to the Doctor who after examination and x ray said I had a herniated disc. Medication and bed rest was prescribed, but by 8pm I was admitted to hospital with the pain. 

6 Wednesday Very little sleep, Dr won’t let me home until I have the pain under control. Had an MRI late afternoon. Dr will review and implement treatment plan tomorrow. 

7 Thursday Less pain but max meds, at least now it only hurts when actually moving. It is improving slowly. Was released mid afternoon, another PCR test and swabbed for MRSA ahead of Saturdays rearranged surgery.

8 Friday Woke at 3.30am after 5 hours solid sleep, feel so much better for the sleep. Every part of my body aches and moving is such an effort. Day spent on my back swopping between bedrooms for a change of scenery and I managed to sit down to eat my lunch and dinner rather than standing up. Spending my time working through emails, paying bills and submitting the medical claim forms.

Bit chilling during the night but loving snuggling up under the blankets.

On the blog this week:

Spot the difference with Dubai's every changing skyline. 5 years apart.

Getting vaccinated against Covid 19 in Dubai with Sinopharm 

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  1. I am glad you have had a good start to the year.
    I am so glad you got your money back from the packing company. It's a shame you had to go as far as shouting and threatening legal action.
    The metro looks amazing! So clean and new!
    You did right getting the vaccine if it could effect your chances of going back to Dubai.
    Oh no! I hope your back is feeling better soon x

    1. My back is feeling a lot better now, thank you. It's great being able to use the metro again, getting out further a field without the hassles of driving

  2. Oh Suzanne, your back sounds so painful. The packing company saga sounds dreadful, glad that you're getting some refunds from them. The metro looks pristine. So tricky to decide what to do with the vaccine, but as you are worried that you might not be able to get back to Dubai without it, it is the right decision for you. Lol @ the coffee museum guide who doesn't know the history of the place he is taking tours around.

    1. My abck has recovered now, thank you. The packing company has driven me mad

  3. Glad to hear that you finally have your refund and hope the rest gets sorted and soon. Sorry to hear you have hurt your back, it sounds very painful. I am waiting for a date for my COVID vaccination, the waiting list says February for me

    1. Good luck with your vaccine, I have my second dose on wednesday

  4. I'm glad you actually got to spend the new year together in the same room! Sounds like a long fight ahead in the courts for you. Hope the pain starts to ease and can be kept at bay in the long term, I know how painful my friend's OH has found it too. Take care #365

    1. I'll have to drop pursuing the packing company further, too expensive and I doubt I'll get anywhere. The back pain is so much better now

  5. So sorry to read you started the new year in pain. I hope you are feeling better. I'm glad you were able to get a Covid vaccine, I feel we will be waiting quite a while for ours #365

  6. Hello
    First time here via the linkies. I hope you have a safe travel back to the UK and also that the herniated disc is not giving you much trouble now. Hope you heal soon

    1. thank you, my back is feeling so much better now

  7. Glad you got the refund from the packing company and hope you manage to recover the costs with getting the sofa into the house too. Lovely to be able to enjoy being outside at this time of year. Glad you managed to get your first vaccination and hope you can get the second dose before your return to the UK. Sorry to hear that you’ve got a slipped disc – it sounds very painful. Hope that your surgery went well and you feel better soon. #project365

    1. Doubt I'll get any money towards extra costs unless i go through the courts, they just keep ignoring my emails and phone calls, so frustrating. Back pain is much better now

  8. Glad you got your refund!

    Was sounding like a good start to the year but oh no to the back!

    Glad you got the vaccine. Dad had his first dose but now instead of 3 weeks for the second they are saying 12 weeks

    1. still on a 3 week turn round here for the vaccine, so I'll have the second dose by the time I get back to the uk

  9. Sorry to hear about your back I hope you are on the mend and the surgery went well? Great that you got the vaccine and that you can also have the second dose before you return. Great that you managed to get the refund and I hope the courts find in your favour

    1. I won't be taking the matter further through the courts, so many lies being told by the packing company blaming the shipping line, it'll just be a waste of money

  10. Poor you with more health issues! Glad you were able to have the covid vaccine and I hope your back pain is under control and improving. #project365

  11. haha that made me chuckle they actually let you know which food does the best on insta! I have never had anywhere say that before. It must be so nice having restaurants open and the gorgeous weather, glad your making the most of it before heading back to the UK. My husband had the Oxford jab this week, he felt nauseous after it but okay otherwise. Sorry to hear your back has been giving you so much trouble.

    1. I know, such a cheek with the insta photo. Hope your husband is better now affter his jab, I have my second one next week

  12. You seriously have had a rough ride recently but good to hear you got a refund... hope you can get compensation sorted for the windows removal too. All that was a nightmare.
    How is your back now? I hope you are feeling much better after some rest. As great as all the rest sounds, I would probably go stir crazy! How are you feeling after the jab?
    That Metro looks ace, so new and shiny! Wish the Manchester Met was so pristine! Sim x

    1. Given up on the packing company now, too much effort required. Back has recovered fully now thank you

