Happy New Year and welcome back to Post Comment Love #PoCoLo a weekly linky run by Stephanie from Lifeat139a and I, where you can link up with any blog post written each week. We share the posts on twitter and comment on all linked up between us, we just ask that you Post, Comment then share the Love.
Christmas was a strange affair for Peter and I, he spent it in Saudi and I spent it in a hotel on a beach. Due to the new covid strain in the UK, Saudi just closed their borders overnight without warning. We weren't happy especially as it had been hit and miss as to whether or not I'd make it back to Dubai at all this year, oh the irony, it turned out it was his travels we should've worried about.
Well 2021 got off to a fantastic start for Peter and I, he made it back from Saudi in time for the New Year which we celebrated by taking a midnight walk in our neighbourhood to watch the fireworks go off on the Atlantis and the Beach and spent New Years Day walking along the canal then seeing the fireworks again down on the beach followed by a drone light show. Dubai do everything so well, they even celebrate the New Year twice.
I also started the new year off by getting the Chinese vaccine, Sinopharm, which is available to all residents and citizens in the UAE. I need my 2nd jab on the 25th January. I've blogged about why I chose these vaccine on this weeks link up.
Then disaster struck, I was admitted to hospital for 2 nights with severe lower back pain and no known cause, turns out I have a herniated or slipped disc and have been assigned 7 days bed rest as from today. I also have surgery on Saturday for an unrelated issue and I have a full time job ahead of me when I recover filling in all the medical calm forms as so much wasn't pre approved so you pay up front and claim back later.
So I'm no confined to bed till next week, I've plenty of blogging and reading to do and have a whole back catalogue of Crimewatch from the mid 1980's on youtube lined up to watch, it's frightening just how many murder cases are still unsolved from those times.
I know 2021 is going to be an up and down year for us, regardless of Covid, I turn 50 this year, I'm unsure where I'll be living for most of this year, UK or Dubai but I'm grateful to have a secure home in both countries, who knows when borders will shut again and where I'll be, I was shut out of Dubai last year. If I'm honest I don't mind if I get shut out of the UK, it's tough being there, so near, yet so far, from family I'm usually separated from due to being an expat, it's harder when I'm only a few miles down the road and can't see them. But I'll take what I can get, be grateful for our health, the covid vaccine and the medical aid.
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