Saturday, 27 February 2021

2021 - Week 8 One Daily Positive - Just another week.

I've decided to unlink my blog from facebook. I post a link each week, people read then that's it, apart from fellow bloggers leaving a comment, I have no idea who has read it, then randomly get asked a question by someone I know that has so obviously come from a blog post but it is asked in a way as if they haven't read it and have been given the info by someone else.Why not just say 'I saw it on your blog' or 'someone else told me about it from your blog' I hate the fact so many people in real life now have access, it seems quite unfair, they read the blog, know what I'm getting up to, don't tell me and therefore miss an opportunity for me to ask them what they've been up to.

I've put on 8kg since I stopped smoking, I didn't realise this was happening until last week when I struggled to get into my jeans. I've been mostly wearing my walking gear when out or PJ's/track suit bottoms at home. I'm reducing the amount of food I'm eating and not buying any junk food so I can't eat it if it's not here. I've already cut out Gluten and citrus fruits due to migraines and dental implants, now to focus on cutting out/down sugars and stopped taking it in my tea and coffee. I refuse to go without my caffeine (once a day) and dairy in my latte. Although I have cut down on my cheese intake and have bought 'no fat' yogurts.

Sadly there is currently no increase to my iron intake or a reduction in my white blood cells. There is nothing little left I can now do other than regular infusions which are booked for next week.

51 Saturday Awake at 4am, more rain, stayed in bed on the lap top, walked Bob, spent some time sorting through the kids and mine keep sake stuff. Bob had a bath in the evening he was starting to stink and I sat on the sofa, watching The 2nd best Marigold Hotel and blogging under the cat.

52 Sunday Morning spent commenting on blog posts. Finally with help from my friends/neighbours the sofa is now out the other neighbours garage and back in the living room. I would like to add at this point, I've not had anyone else in my home for 11 days, this is technically a bubble for one day as they don't see anyone else either. I doubt I'll se anyone else now until regulations/rules are relaxed. Drove the car to the other side of town to walk Bob so I could take some photos of a construction project. I then spent the evening tidying and cleaning the attic rooms which I'm using for storage and as a craft room/study.

53 Monday I did nothing all day till 4pm other than have lunch and snooze on the sofa. I then had a bath, took Bob on a long walk, cleaned the bathrooms and did some more tidying in the attic rooms.

54 Tuesday I did nothing all morning. Visited the Osteopath in the afternoon, a quick shop in Waitrose for fresh items and the evening was spent as a virtual guest for the filming of QI from the comfort of my living room.

55 Wednesday I did nothing again all morning, then all of a sudden I was dressed, walked the dog, did some weeding, baked bread and cakes, did some washing and research for getting the dog to Northern Ireland as well as several telephone calls with family and friends.

56 Thursday Walked Bob at 7am then off to Worcester for my click and collect shopping from Tesco. I had a walk round the empty City centre and down by the river, had a lie down in the afternoon then rearranged the dining room. 

In the evening Peter and I shared our view of the moon from 3000 miles apart.

57 Friday Took Bob for a walk, then off to the Osteopath and post office on the way home. Rest of the day spent in bed or on the sofa, so tired. Did the ironing, watched TV and bed.

On the blog this week:

Post Comment Love - A weekly link for any post written this week

My Sunday Photo - Construction in Dubai. The Beach - 6 years apart.

What happens at on a TV recording ass a member of a virtual audience - My TV experience with QI

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. People in my real life always know what's going on because they read my blog but do tell me what they've read on my blog, thankfully.
    It sounds like you are doing all you can to lose that extra weight. It sounds like you've done a lot of walking this past week which will of course help.
    Good on your neighbours for helping with the sofa. I can't remember the last time we had someone in our house which wasn't myself, fella and 2 girls. It must have been November when someone came to look at the boiler. x

    1. It is strange having people in the house again

  2. Bob doesn't look too happy about his bath. It's quite strange to have someone in the house these days, isn't it? We had a repair guy and it felt wrong.

    1. Bob complies with the bath time, but isn't happy about it, he does however like the rub down afterwards and doesn't mind the hairdryer

  3. I don't think any of my real life friends read my blog, maybe with an exception of one or two, my family definietly don't bother with it. :) Poor Bob looks quite miserable in the bath. Glad to hear the neighbours helped you. Your sitting area looks so tidy. You're doing quite a lot of diet changes to help you lose weight. And you do walk a lot with Bob. How lovely that you shared pictures of the Moon with Peter.

    1. Bob isn't a big fan of having a bath but he does love the rub down and drying process afterwards

  4. Sofa looks good, glad it's finally back in its place. I always think it's weird when friends comment on my FB posts but not on similar real me posts. It's the lack of exercise that's been my undoing this lockdown, I need a Bob! #365

    1. So pleased the sofa is back in, makes the room more user friendly

  5. haha even i dont like silent lurkers on my blog.. people whom I know in real life and hence pass comments on my thoughts and post..i feel it is not a nice thing... glad the living room is coming back together.. bob looks like he like the cuddle time better?

    1. I'd prefer it if people commented whilst saying they've seen it on my blog and just accept this is how I share info on my thoughts and feelings

  6. I think I preferred it when my blog wasn't well known in my family and friends circle. So many read/see stuff on instagram but never support me by leaving a like/comment

    Poor Bob doesn't look impressed with the bath!

  7. Bob doesn't look too keen about having a bath. Lovely to have the sofa back in the living room. It looks like such a lovely big one. Being a virtual guest for an episode of QI sounds interesting. I love that you and Peter shared your view of the moon from 3000 miles apart. #project365

    1. We bought that sofa as our forever sofa and were determined to get it back in the house lol QI was fun and Peter and I quite often navigate our locations with the moon

  8. I'm always shocked when a friend comments or like a blog link on FB so rarely share them on my personal page unless they are about something local or for a charity. I hope QI was fab! #project365

    1. I'd prefer it if people did leave a comment on the link or the post itself, I hate it when it's a week or so later and a verbal comment or message is received

  9. I have been walking to try and lose weight, but it is not coming off. I need to look at my diet too, I know I eat far too much bread. My mum reads my blog and sometimes she gets the wrong end of the stick, it really winds me up LOL

    1. oh yes to the wrong end of the stick and also the feeling you're not telling them first. Carbs are the biggest issue with diet.

  10. I also have people in real life read my blog but pretend they don't. Also as they know whats going on (or think they do) don't ask you any questions. Virtual guest sounds interesting. I think lockdown isn't helping with weight issues. I'm really struggling at the moment and with iron levels too. It has always been a thing since I had my son #365

    1. Hope you can get your iron levels sorted, it's not nice struggling. I've no idea why people pretend they haven't read the blog posts

  11. I need to do something about weight, drinking far too much wine to get through the homeschooling and full time work juggle has taken its toll. Started this weekend. Only one gin. So I am taking that as a win. Hoping once they are back at school to get out and exercise more too. Sounds like you have a good plan. I don't share my blog to my personal page. I am not a facebook fan tbh. The moon photo brought a tear to my eye must be difficult being so far apart for so long.

    1. sorry I made you cry, it's been incredibly difficult for everyone this pandemic for many reasons. Gin and diet tonic or rum and diet coke has less than 50 calories, whereas wine is around 120 calories a glass, it's quite enlightening counting calories

  12. The room looks great with your sofa in place. It is a good sized space. I hope your dietary changes are helping. I would find it hard giving up some of those things. That is cute you both shared a photo of the moon. Doing little things like that must be a big help whilst apart, hopefully it won't be too long and you will be back together again.

    1. Nice to get the sofa back in again. Dietary changes working well and weight slowly dropping off.

