Saturday, 27 November 2021

Week 47 One Daily Positive Project 365 - it's all about Freddie.

I've been suffering with a bad back, due to lack of mobility. Too much time this week has been spent sitting cuddling Freddie. I've had to take myself out on long walks, borrowing various dogs to join me. It is however getting very cold out there and we had our first frost this week and light snow on Friday. I am however getting plenty of sleep.

I'm staying with the in laws, a few miles down the road. Son returns to work next week so I'm moving down there's to help mum and baby get into a routine with baby and his additional needs until he has his surgery sometime in the new year. 

Peter has been sorting out issues with the flat in Wales, it appears the water damage has come from a leak in the flat above, tenants in there know nothing about it and the property maintenance company haven't replied to my email yet, so I'll have to chase that up next week.

I've lost track of what we've done this week other than cuddling Freddie.

324 Saturday A lazy morning, Freddie time and off to Belfast. Christmas is in full swing as were protests against covid passports. 

325 Sunday A day of Freddie cuddles.

326 Monday A long walk and coffee stop, down to sons in the afternoon for Freddie time and off for a long walk at Hillsborough.

Granny, Freddie and Nanny

327 Tuesday Day spent with son, DIL and baby, helping with sorting out the nursery, putting clothes away and moving things into the attic. Lots of baby cuddles and 2 dog walks.

Peter is having to get to know Freddie via video chats for the time being.

328 Wednesday A day of Freddie and popped to the supermarket.

Smiling for his Granny? Nope, it's wind.

329 Thursday Coffee in the village then afternoon spent on the laptop while the DIL's grandparents visited for the afternoon.

I'm still sitting outside as much as possible.

330 Friday Over to son's then out for a coffee and a walk, back to theirs to finish tidying the nursery and cuddles with Freddie while they started putting the Christmas decorations up.

Freddie having some awake time. Our other grandchild asked where his eyes were.

On the blog this week:

I had a rant about tenants and rental agents this week.

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  1. Oh no! Sorry about your back. It sounds like you have been moving around a bit more, I hope that helps.
    How lovely that you are able to be there to support your son and his family.
    Freddie really is a cutie! Lovely photos. x

    1. Too much sitting down, much better now with all the extra walking

  2. Freddie is adorable. How wonderful that you are able to spend the precious first month, helping with the baby. My Mum spent a month and a half with us when Eddie was born, and I surely appreciated all the help, while I was recovering. Sorry to hear about your back. Hopefully the backache will ease soon.

    1. Thank you Galina, it is a very precious time

  3. He's adorable and I love the photo of the three of you, he's a lucky little boy. I feel your pain regarding your back but glad you're getting more sleep #365

  4. Awww Freddie is absolutely gorgeous, even in the windy picture! :) He is going to be a heartbreaker - enjoy all the cuddles you can! Hope your back is feeling better now, you are braver than me - there is nothing that could get me out on a walk right now, the weather is hideous! Sim x

    1. if i wait till the weather improves I'll not be going out anywhere

  5. How lovely to have lots of cuddles with Freddie. He is absolutely adorable. It made me chuckle that your other grandchild asked where his eyes are with him being asleep so much! Hope your back is better soon. #project365

    1. a new born baby who sleeps, almost unheard of. Back is improving slowly

  6. Lots of lovely photos it is great that you can visit and help out. I still remember those first days and weeks and it would have been so helpful to have someone to help. Sorry to hear your back is playing you up, I hope it feels better soon.

    1. It's a tricky one this helping with a new born. i personally would've preferred to have been left alone, unless it was full hands on help

  7. Freddie is adorable! Sorry to hear you have been suffering from a bad back

  8. It does sound like a great way to spend the week just cuddling! It must be a real asset having you around to help. Having a new baby is exhausting so an extra pair of hands to hold Freddie so other things can be done or a chance for a nap for the mum is very generous of you. Hope your back feels better soon.

    1. thank you, it was a pleasure to be asked to help out

  9. How lovely that you are close by to help with Freddie, sorry he has to have surgery at such a young age, hope it goes well and hope your back starts to feel better soon

  10. Time spent cuddling a baby is never wasted! I can't wait for my children to have kids so I can enjoy cuddling them unlike when you have your own and there is always the cooking cleaning etc getting in the way. #project365

    1. oh there is something magical about not be in charge of a newborn 24/7

