Monday, 21 February 2022

What I'm celebrating in 2022.

I like to mark the seasons with decorations and gifts. It doesn't cost a lot other than time and some of the decorations I have are years old, others are hand made or I've picked up cheaply.

There are also birthdays to celebrate throughout the year, with the dog turning 12 this month and the cat 13 next month. We're combining their parties in March as travel and then covid with others scuppered our plans. But the dog doesn't know or care and neither does the cat, if the truth be told. I'll be baking some dog and cat treats.

So far we've only acknowledged Valentines Day. I made bunting and stuffed hearts and posted a box of love to one grandchild, our eldest child and visited our grandson for a long weekend. The bedroom window was decorated.

I did travel to Birmingham to purchase the material but I picked up other things I needed at the same time.

Next up is St David's Day, because I'm Welsh and pancake day.

I'm sure I'll end up getting involved in Red Nose Day as I'll be working in a school.

We'll acknowledge Ramadan in March and Eid as we lived in Dubai for 7 years.

Then there is Easter. My neighbour gave me the grey fleece and I bought bright yellow duster for £2 which I'm going to turn into bunnies and chicks that will be sewn into bunting.

There are chocolate eggs bought, plus named bunting to be made for 2 more family members. I'll also be making easter chocolates.

Mothers Day will be a table set with a tea pot, cup and cakes. Then there's the Jubilee, which will involve at least the front of the house being covered in bunting. Then Father's Day, a Sunday roast with as many of the kids and grandkids as we can gather. We'll also be celebrating 20 years of marriage in October.

I love Halloween and Bonfire night, we'll acknowledge Remembrance Day and finally Christmas.

I enjoy making decorations from items around the house and in the garden. Collecting the pebbles is the hardest part.


  1. I love a good celebration. It's fun and always keeps everyone's spirits up.
    That is so cute that you celebrate the dog and cat's birthday. It sounds like you have some great plans. I love all your decorations. x

    1. I love making the decorations and I have lots of fun with the cat and dogs birthdays

  2. Sometimes we just have to enter into the celebration because it's time--and then our feelings catch up!

    1. It's really nice to physically mark the year

  3. Suzanne, you are soooo crafty! I admire that. I drag my sewing machine out every couple of years for one thing or another, usually mending, and should take that opportunity to make something fun! #PoCoLo

    1. thank you. I'll get my over locker back next week and can make a start on some new ideas

  4. Awww the lovebugs are so cute x #pocolo

  5. I am half Scottish so we will also be celebrating St Andrew's Day and we celebrated Burn's night of course. I think it's lovely to celebrate things and seasons and special days. It's nice to have these to look forward to.

    1. If hubby wants to celebrate St George's day he'll have to put the decorations up

