Friday, 18 February 2022

Post Comment Love 18-20th February 2022

Welcome back to PoCoLo with Stephanie from Lifeat139a and I. A weekly post where you can link up with anything you've written this week.

We're back from Northern Ireland after seeing our grandson and hoping the kitchen will be finished soon.

We also discovered the ceiling on the 1st floor on the landing and in the guest bedroom has water damage, it appears the roof is leaking, but due to the storms we are struggling to get it fixed. 

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  1. Oh my goodness, what a sweet little boy! You are glowing with him in your lap! Such a beautiful photo, Suzanne. I am dealing with some water issues right now as well. We had some very warm days that melted a lot of snow with no where to go except into my basement. Ugh. I hope you have a great weekend!


    1. Hope you've got your cellar sorted now. Our leak is a bigger problem then we thought

