Thursday, 10 February 2022

January 2022 in words and photos. Getting my craft on.

If you read my blog on a regular basis or follow any of my social media posts you'll know I publish a photo a day for #Project365, that I call #OneDailyPositive.

This is my 8th year of doing this, originally set up upon moving to Dubai from South Africa to motivate me to get out the house daily and find something to be positive about.

I do get out doors a lot, with dog walks and cups of tea outside even if it is raining, I just sit inside the shed door. but due to a kitchen refurb I've spent most of my time in my craft room on the top floor. Originally child 5s bedroom. The other room is used for storage, originally a rather expensive loft conversion for child 4.

I thought I'd share with you some of the things I've been making and plans for things to come.

So I started by recycling my lockdown crafts where I used items around the home. I'm still doing that but now I have all my furniture in so time to get my bake on and sewing machine in action.

MIL knitted the panel, I turned it into a cushion.

Alice in Wonderland inspired door.

Getting everything sorted and in order makes sewing so much easier.

Overlocker in for repairs.

Now I remember why I don't do zips.

I bought these curtains for our grandson, but they needed altering.

Always measure twice

and cut once.

Iron everything before sewing, makes it so much easier.

Neighbour requested a padded name for her daughters room

I of course now have to do Great Nephew and

both Grandchildren.

The boy next door turned 2 so I baked dinosaur biscuits and made toppers for the cakes. I had to bake next door.

I've already started to plan what I'm making for Easter, we're also making blinds for the kitchen and I'd like a notice board for the kitchen that will be a joint effort and once we reclaim the conservatory when the kitchen is finished I've got curtains to make for there.

I've also been making cards, mainly recycling old ones and I can't wait to get in the kitchen and do some more baking.

Are you creative? 


  1. You have been busy. That cushion is so cute and so is the Alice in Wonderland door. I bet the little boy next door was pleased with those biscuits and cakes.
    I can't wait to see what you make for Easter x

  2. Measure twice and cut once is why I am a wreck when I sew!

    1. one pair of curtains, completely different measurements, I ended up measuring one about 20 times

  3. Looks like you've been busy with crafting and sewing projects. The knitted panel that became a pillow cover is very attractive!

  4. Wow you have done a pot, lots of lovely stuff x #pocolo

  5. I love the cushion and I am in awe of all your craft achievements. I do like to bake and I used to knit but sewing is way out of my comfort zone but I can sew on a button and do a bit of mending - at a push! Don't thinks that counts as being creative!! #pocolo

    1. I'm only sewing straight lines, can't make clothing at all

