Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Garden update

We're plodding along with gardening this year, just keeping it neat and tidy but making quite a few changes ready for planting up towards the end of the year.

Peter has ordered his shed/workshop/summerhouse. He needs to make a base ready for delivery the first week in July.

Some time ago I moved all the pots and the green house to the front of the garden which is south facing

All the pots have been weeded and there are a variety of seeds, shrubs and veg planted out.

A new crop of peas and beans and a cold frame with Bougainvillea shrubs ready for planting a hedge in the front garden.  

Living near a school and with cars parking half on the pavement, it means we end up with kids running over the lawn and dogs wandering in on their leads for the toilet. We'll probably have a wall built at some point but for now a low level hedge will do.

Peter has been levelling the back garden for his shed base, so he filled up these bins which I topped with compost and have planted up with herbs and veg.

I've sown some chard and planted tomatoes in pots on the gates which are being left alone by the slugs.

The courgette and cucumber plants weren't so lucky, so I've covered them in netting.

There are plenty of flowers in the garden also and there is more bedding to go in the front once I've weeded and dead headed the spring bulbs.

How's your garden coming along? Do you make changes to it yearly or just keep it neat and tidy?


  1. Your garden is looking great. My fella has been working on ours sorting out the side that was full of weeds and stones. It's a work in progress.
    We have the same problem with our front garden, I was sick of people walking on our lawn so we put a planter at the front which stopped them. It does mean that dogs pee up it though. Ugh. x

    1. We've finally planted the hedge in the front

  2. Looks as if you are making use of all your lovely space!

  3. Wow! I love what you two are doing with your garden. I should live next door so I could "help" you by taking some of your excess courgettes, cucumbers, etc, off your hands! #pocolo

    1. Thank you, I've been sharing with family and neighbours when I have stock

  4. Thisiswhereitisat3 June 2022 at 22:38

    Your garden is looking really good X #pocolo

  5. I really miss gardening. Yours is looking really nice and I hope you get some lovely crops.

    1. I think I was a bit late with planting this year

  6. Looks like your plants are healthy and ready for a productive growing season!

  7. I've been watching your garden develop with great interest. I'm impressed and especially that you are growing veg as well. I'm not a great gardener but I love my pots and containers. #pocolo

    1. I'm not a great gardener either, its all trial and error

  8. You look like you're very organised with it all. Love the pots on the gate

