Saturday, 28 May 2022

Week 21 One Daily Positive and Project365

Weekend plans cancelled due to migraine, although I was feeling better by Sunday, I didn't want to risk going too far afield as I had work on Monday morning.

140 Saturday I didn't get much sleep so up at 4am. I did some baking and batch cooking. Head still thumping regardless of medication. We had a lazy morning wandering around Kidderminster and I spent the afternoon trying to thread the overlocker, we had video calls with the grandchildren and an early night.

141 Sunday Walked Bob for coffee, we did a bit of shopping and home to discover Son, DIL and eldest Grandchild waiting for us on the door step. We had a roast dinner, Peter and grandchild did a lot of gardening and filled 3 dustbins with excess soil which I've planted with herbs and veg. After watching endless youtube videos I finally solved the issue with the over locker and started making some bunting.

142 Monday Swimming before work and home to spend the evening in my craft room finishing off some party supplies. We tried to book last minute flights for half term but either nothing available or extremely over priced. We're off to Yorkshire for the week now.

143 Tuesday The builder turned up while I was still in work, we'd arranged 4pm, he said he'd come back, he didn't and we wasted the afternoon waiting for him. I walked the dog, blogged, searched through old photos of the 1977 Jubilee and we spent the evening trying to find a last minute holiday, somewhere. I also did some more sewing.

144 Wednesday I met neighbour after work to collect her mums spare key and instructions for feeding her dog on Friday while they head out to see Ed Sheeran. We took the dog and the kids for a walk, had tea and chocolate and home around 6pm. I spent the evening reading as we had a power cut.

145 Thursday I had a Doctors visit after work as my migraines are getting worse. Beta blocker dose increased and referral made for investigations into double vision. lazy evening at home and early to bed. The road outside our house was resurfaced today.

146 Friday I went swimming before work. Last day of term. Met a friend and walked her dog and friends dog, back to hers for a coffee and a lift home. Evening spent with friend with wine for her, not me and chips for us both.

On the blog this week:
What I've been up to in my spare time

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  1. Ugh! The migraines sound awful. I hope the increased dose of Beta Blockers help.
    How lovely to have a visit from your son DIL and grandchild. It looks like Peter had a great helper in the garden. x

    1. always great to have extra help in the garden

  2. Oh Suzanne, your migraines sound relentless. How frustrating that the meds don't alleviate the pain. Fingers crossed, the increased dose of beta blockers will make a difference. Your grandson is such a cutie, what a beaming smile. Lovely that you had a visit from your son and family over the weekend. I wish my DH did some jobs in the garden, he is worse than useless when it comes to gardening or any DIY jobs.

    1. Migraines still not improving sadly. Chickenruby

  3. Glad you managed to get the overlocker threaded in the end – they’re tricky things! Haven’t used mine in a long time though. So sorry that your migraines have got worse. Hope that the increased beta blocker dose helps. #project365

    1. Increased dose not helping, need to get up on the over locker a bit more so I don't forget again how it works. Chickenruby

  4. Your grandchild looks so happy to chat with you! Hope the migraine and other symptoms have settled. #project365

    1. The grandkids are always so happy. Chickenruby

