Saturday, 7 May 2022

Week 18 One daily Positive and Project 365

My eye sight is detonating fast, it takes a lot of effort these days to focus when reading. I had several sewing machines to thread in school and really struggled, my eyes were hurting at the end of the lesson. I'm going to have to get a string to out on my glasses so they're always at hand.

With me now working in a school I only have school holidays and weekends to go places, times we've avoided since the kids left home, but now we have started to enjoy visiting a variety of places and actually enjoying ourselves.

Apart from these posts and my weekly #PoCoLo I'm struggling to find things to blog about since we stopped moving around that just might be of interest to other people and I just end up using the blog to complain or offload about things. Can't write freely about family, the kids are adults, if they want to tell their stories then that's up to them, not me, unless it involves visiting them, marriages or births.

I can't really blog about work as a Teaching Assistant, although I did attend a course on Raising awareness of exploitation and vulnerability with West Mercia Police, that has some helpful links I'm going to share soon. The kitchen still isn't finished, no one is that interested in an extension being built, although I will document it when we find a builder and I don't think anyone needs or wants tips on 'what to look out for when buying a camper van' or 'organising a craft room' I think everything to be written has been written already.

120 Saturday Woke with a headache, rearranged our plans, did some ironing, had breakfast and watched last nights soaps while Peter retraced his steps yesterday to try and find Bob's collar, nothing. We drove to Gloucester to take child 1 out for a coffee then onto visit child 2 and family.

121 Sunday Middle child's 30th Birthday today, no celebrating as he's in Australia, gosh this makes me feel old. We went down to Monmouth to take a meter reading and visit a friend. Evening spent round the neighbours.

122 Monday Bank Holiday and a day off work. Walked into town with the neighbours and Bob to the see the Well dressings and other activities going on at Priory Park. Afternoon and evening spent on the laptop in front of the TV.

Video call with child 4 and family.

123 Tuesday Back into work and home to walk the dog, clean the kitchen, do the ironing and watch TV.

124 Wednesday Home via the covid vaccine centre, we're trying to get the NHS app updated so we can travel to Australia in the summer. Need to go back on Saturday morning. Did the ironing, made dinner and got ready for the morning. Peter went out to the pub to watch the football.

Just got to find a home for the basket of jumpers, sort the cables for the new TV and put the mirror on the wall and this room is finished. 

125 Thursday I walked home from work meeting Peter with Bob half way. I did some baking, rhubarb flavoured cakes, from last years home grown rhubarb that I'd stewed and had frozen. Rest of the evening spent watching TV and blogging.

Enjoying sun puddling early evening.

126 Friday Evening with friend and chips and wine.

Bluebells in the garden.

On the blog this week:

I'm irritated by blog posts from people who share tips and links to things they have no experience of. Why do people blog about things they're not doing?

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  1. I think blogs evolve, and I guess it's a case of writing things you want to write about. I had to change mine quite a lot when N stopped wanting to be seen in photos, and I'm sure come secondary school it'll be much changed again. But I still write about things I want to write about, or things I think I can do better. I'd say there's lots of people who want to know about extensions given how well home bloggers and DIY ones do.

    1. I'm probably going to post about the extension but I was annoyed when I was asked to tag a kitchen company that I didn't use on an instagram post with my new kitchen

  2. Oh no, that is a shame about your eye sight, a string on your glasses sounds a good idea.
    It is hard when life is just normal and there isn't much to blog about. I totally get it about not being able to blog freely. Ugh.
    Happy belated birthday to you middle child. I hope you get to celebrate with him soon.
    The bluebells are so pretty x

    1. The bluebells in Malvern now are beautiful. We should be able to celebrate with middle child in the summer

  3. The reason I stopped blogging was the same, don't do nearly as much with the younger kids as I did with the older two when they were young. Kids lead their own lives and share what they wish to about their own children on other platforms. My own life is boring to me so cant see why other people would be interested.
    Do have a few blog posts I would like to write, and may one day come back to my blog from a different angle.

    1. I started my blog as a way to tweet longer and keep a record of our day to day ;lives so I'll just continue in that vein

  4. I can relate to struggling to find things to blog about other than trying to offload although trying to find the time to blog can be a challenge for me at the moment. Hope Middle Child had a nice birthday and hope you can get to go to Australia in the summer. Those bluebells are so pretty. #project365

    1. Australia is still on will be in the school holidays

  5. I am struggling with things to write about at the moment. My days all seem to roll into one. A visit to Australia is something to look forward to, we've had to put travel plans on hold as cannot afford it at the moment

    1. Sorry to hear about your travel plans being on hold

  6. Hope your eye sight improves and the summer lighting helps a bit. I find it difficult to go on days out that I can blog about during term time as I'm a TA too and then too worn out at the weekends! #project365

    1. yes the summer lighting does help. plenty to blog about with being a TA, but too many safeguarding concerns, and yes it is very tiring I find

