Sunday 15 May 2022

Week 19 One Daily Positive and Project 365

I'm seriously lacking in decent photos. weekends are good for them as we visit family and get out and about, but during the week it's just work, TV, cooking, cleaning, and time with the cat and dog. When I started One Daily Positive on January 1st 2015 it was to encourage me to get out and about more and to look for something positive in my life. Prior to that I joined in monthly with various photo a day prompts that were themed, so I'm going to see if there are any ones still around to motivate me a bit more.

I'm really struggling with my eye site. I have double vision that comes and goes and have to wear my glasses now for using the laptop. I had my eyes tested a month ago and they said just a slight change in prescription

127 Saturday Finally got our UAE covid 19 Sinopharm vaccines on the NHS app, home for breakfast, washing and dog walk then off to the RHS Malvern Spring Festival with friends for the day. They came back to the house for dinner.

128 Sunday Lazy day as my neck and back are playing up since I returned to work. We walked out for coffee and Bob had some off lead time, moved a few plants from the back garden as Peter has started to measure out for his new shed. Evening spent in the craft room.

129 Monday Up early and off swimming, walked into town for a coffee and off to work. Evening spent with neighbour to congratulate them on buying their first home. Spent some time chasing emails in regards to the sale of the flat.

130 Tuesday The day felt really long at work. I took the car and called in town to do some shopping on the way home. Evening spent sorting the kitchen now it's finally finished after ordering in December, apart from fitting a new radiator, sorting out the boiler cupboard and some tiling and grouting.

131 Wednesday I walked home from work meeting Peter with Bob on the way. Peter ordered the new shed/summerhouse today will be delivered first week in July. I sorted the notice board out.

132 Thursday work, evening spent in front of the TV.

133 Friday Up early and off swimming again. Meeting after work and a lift home. Chip and wine night turned into dinner and drinks with friend and both our husbands. 

More houses being built on my walk to work.

On the blog this week:

Visiting places child free

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  1. Loving the new kitchen! I hope you've had a good weekend :)

  2. The trouble with your eyes don't sound good. I remember as a teenager when I suffered badly with migraines I used to get double vision and the doctors put it down to the migraines. Ugh.
    It sounds like a busy week. Your kitchen looks great, I'm glad it's finally finished. x

  3. The new kitchen looks great. I'm expecting to be told that my eye sight's got worse in a couple of week when I go in for my test. They're now keeping an eye on me annually as they found some things in my eyes that're usually seen in over 60s, so that's great!

  4. Love the kitchen! Sorry to hear you have been issues with your eyesight.

  5. The double vision coming and going doesn’t sound much fun. Hope that wearing your glasses for using the laptop is helping. Glad the kitchen is finally finished – it looks great. #project365

    1. thank you, it's so nice to finally have the kitchen done

  6. The kitchen looks fantastic, bet you're relieved that it is finished now. Hope they get to the bottom of your eye problems. I have noticed mine are starting to deterioate too

    1. new glasses help but double vision still a pain

  7. Hope you get the final kitchen bits done. Your eyesight problem sounds a bit worrying, I hope it eases soon. #project365

