Monday, 19 December 2022

Week 50 One Daily Positive and Project 365

I started feeling a bit headachy on Friday evening, it was on and off on Saturday, despite taking my preventative meds and kicked in like a red hot poker blow to the side of my head. I've been prescribed medication to take orally that is usually given through a drip when I've needed hospital intervention. An IV works within an hour and the following day is spent in a bit of a haze. The tablet form took 2 hours to take effect and during that time I lay down on the floor in the lounge sort of feeling like I wasn't part of my body and not convinced it would work. Woke on Monday expecting to have the migraine back, but I just had a feeling all day that my migraine was in a little bubble inside my head and when I coughed or sneezed it felt like the bubble would burst. But fingers crossed, so far it's not come back.

The car is STILL in the garage. The local dealers can't fix it, so they've called Citroen in to help. There is another car in with the same problem so we're hoping it won't cost us anything and it'll be covered as a recall.

343 Saturday Surveyor for extension came to take measurements and draw up plans. I did several loads of washing having stripped and changed 3 beds and tidied up the pots in the garden. Walked Bob to the retail park late afternoon and did some tidying in the attic rooms. needless to say it's been a cold day.

Christmas Gift from a student

344 Sunday Woke up to snow, I spent the morning in the attic rooms and have lots of stuff for donation and the recycling bin. We walked into town mid afternoon for coffee, then home to a roast dinner. Migraine kicked in and new meds taken which wiped me out for a couple of hours.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

345 Monday Off to Cadbury World with work for the day. Still felt a bit funny after the migraine. Home from work, cooked a fish pie for tea, a cake for school tomorrow and did some more tidying in the attic rooms.

346 Tuesday Home from work and a long dog walk, half way up the Malvern Hills, evening spent sorting out the attic rooms some more.

347 Wednesday A long day in work and a few upsets, it's certainly eventful working in a school and as a Teaching Assistant I never get time to get bored, but I do end up filling in a lot of online forms and sending emails. Home via the nail bar, popped into Morrisons and spent more time in the attic rooms sorting through stuff.

Whamageddon - twice in one evening.

348 Thursday Peter dropped Bob with me at the school gates at the end of the day and he went home, I walked Bob home via town and a coffee stop. Evening spent in the 1 attic room that's finally sorted, reading, writing letters and drinking tea.

Got to love a fully working overlocker, they can be very temperamental.

349 Friday Last day of school and finished at midday and straight to the pub with a colleague.There is a Teaching Assistant meal out tonight, but I was only invited last minute, wouldn't want to go anyway, but that's not the point. Took Bob for a walk and we had Chinese for dinner.

Sunset in Malvern.

On the blog this week: Nothing written this week, not in a blog post anyway.

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  1. I hope the migraine has eased by now. Merry Christmas! Take care.

  2. Sorry you are still suffering with the migraines. I hope you are feeling better now.
    What a lovely gift off your student and the cake looked fab. x

    1. The candles have been great, not too overpowering with their fragrance

  3. Hope the head's a bit better. I've read about a lot of people this year not being invited to their work do's. So rude. Glad things are getting organised in the attic.

    1. apparently the work do never came about anyway

  4. Hope that your migraine has continued to stay away and that your car will be fixed soon. You lasted longer than me with Whamageddon – I was out on 9th December and have heard it pretty much everyday since! Lovely when the overlooker works properly – mine can be temperamental too although I haven’t used it for a while. #project365

    1. nope car still at the garage, over annoyed now

  5. Our work do got cancelled as everyone was ill! The snow and ice was quite relentless and I bet that didn't help your migraine. #project365

    1. our work do was cancelled also, but not rearranged

