Monday, 26 December 2022

Week 51 One Daily Positive and Project 365

So what is irritating me this week? 

People who don't agree with me that Die Hard is the ultimate Christmas movie and.......

Several mouth ulcers, the car still in the garage, Jeremy Clarkson, not being to get Gluten Free food without a hassle when we're out and about, the rain, when Christmas Day actually is, the dog getting old, people pushing in and endless comments from a staff member at Daughters care home about us not having her home for Christmas.

Other than that, we've had a great week with family and friends.

350 Saturday Off to Gloucester to visit child 1 who hasn't been well. Not happy with the reception we got from a member of staff who keeps suggesting we have daughter home on weekends, like the other residents do and hints that it's a shame the staff have to work Christmas because daughter is the only one left in the home. In the afternoon/evening I met friends at the 3 Counties Show ground to go ice skating and see the lights, it was flipping freezing but we had a good time.

351 Sunday Woke at 2am till 4am with the school alarm going off, then slept in till 10am. Stayed in bed all morning, got up at 2pm, dressed and walked Bob in the rain to get a coffee, home to watch the end of the football, popped in at the neighbours, then cooked a roast dinner and made a gluten free carrot cake. Watched TV, bath and bed.

352 Monday Had my covid booster, prepared dinner in the slow cooker, took Bob over the common, rest of the day spent in the attic rooms and general tidying, hoovering and I gave the dog a bath. Evening spent baking cakes and sitting in front of the TV.

Bob has had a swollen back paw and leg, it's not causing him any problems.

353 Tuesday Off into Worcester for the morning, boiler serviced, which I'd thought was yesterday. Walked the dog. In the evening we went to visit friends.

FaceTime with grandson and his dog.

 354 Wednesday Off to the Forest of Dean to see the Things and afternoon/evening spent with friends.

My friends 10 year old son drew me some pictures to illustrate a story I'm writing for the Grandchildren.

355 Thursday Drove down to Bristol to collect Mother in law for Christmas, called in to see grandchild on our way home. Met a friend half way home to swop Christmas gifts and a quick catch up. 

Watched Love Actually.

356 Friday We visited child 1 in Gloucester and took her out for a couple of hours, then home to walk Bob and watch TV for the evening.

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  1. That is rubbish that so many things are irritating you. We had a big discussion here about whether Die Hard was a Christmas movie or not. Eek!
    The ice skating looks like a lot of fun and that cake looks so good. Poor Bob, I hope his paw and leg are better soon. I watched Love Actually last week and again last night. lol I do love that film.
    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. x

    1. I love a good Christmas movie and really enjoyed the Christmas build up

  2. The ice skating looks fun. We've not done any festive skating. Maybe next year. I've not watched Love Actually for a while, but it's a great film. Good that you were able to catch up with some many people over the week. Hope you had a good Christmas

    1. sadly catching up with everyone had me full the dreaded lurgy and in bed from Boxing Day onwards. Loved the iceskating and can't wait to go again soon ish

  3. Sorry that various things/people/situations have been irritating. I’ve never seen Die Hard so have no opinion on its merits as a Christmas movie. Those carrot cakes look good. Love the drawings your friend’s son did for you. Hope you and your family had a good Christmas. #project365

    1. we had a lovely Christmas thank you, if I'm honest I'm easily irritated

  4. Ouch to the mouth ulcers! I know the Gluten Free food struggle all too well. How are the migraines now?

    Wishing you all the best for the new year!

  5. My husband is with you in the Die Hard Camp, I am not so sure but the kids enjoyed watching it. I normally like Jeremy Clarkson but he certainly over-stepped the mark this time. We haven't been ice skating yet, hoping to go for Eliza;s birthday

    1. And your husband is right of course, did you manage to get ice skating?

  6. Sorry about the irritations. The care home sound quite thoughtless. Love Die Hard at Christmas. #project365

