Saturday 11 May 2024

2024 Week 19 One Daily Positive, Project 365 and A Selfie a Day


127  Monday Bank holiday, out early to Malvern for coffee and to see the Well dressing, home via collecting a gas canister, finished the dusting from yesterday and mopped the bathroom floors. We dug up a shrub in the front garden. We had our first BBQ of the year and I spent the evening watching TV, had a long soak in the bath, did some blogging and got ready for work in the morning.

128  Tuesday Back into work and home before lunch with a migraine. So had enough of this now. Went to bed, didn't help, pottered around the garden, took meds, had dinner, a long soak in the bath, applied for a job, bed early.

129  Wednesday No work today, had a lie in, managed a load of washing, but back to bed between putting it in machine and hanging it out. Walked to Drs, have a viral infection, no temperature, no swollen glands, no chest infection. Just a bed back, neck and head pain and cough and all related, as well as migraine, bloods taken and pain killers prescribed. Home for more rest, then popped out to meet friends for a coffee and get a photo developed. I spent the evening blogging and sitting outside.

130  Thursday Students 18th birthday, we had cake, balloons and banners just before lunch. By lunch time I was exhausted and struggling to stay awake. I don't think the heat helped. After work I had my nails done and got home to a visit from my friend asking for help with a job application form. It took us over 2 hours. it took me 3 hours to do mine on Tuesday. Every job has a different format, you can't even cut and paste. it's so complicated and tiring to do.

131  Friday Student's last day in school before her A levels start next week. It was sad saying bye to so many of the students, I know I'll never see again. Home to sit in the garden, do some blogging and evening spent with my friend having chips and wine.

132  Saturday Took Pushkins for her annual jabs, had a coffee out and did a bit of shopping. Afternoon spent sorting plants in the garden and tidying up pots and bricks etc. My new nails were peeling so I went back and had them re done. Peter wandered round the shops looking for a roll on sunscreen for me to be able to apply to the patch of skin cancer on my leg, now the sun is out. I watched the new Doctor Who and subjected Peter to the Eurovision Song Contest.

133  Sunday We went to the RHS Spring Show at The Three Counties Show ground.  It was really hot, we got loads of ideas for making paths in our garden, bought coffee and a sweet pea plant and had a picnic back at the car. The skies opened after we left, thunder and lightening storms and torrential rain. Evening spent watching TV, had a BBQ and an early night.

Books read this week: 1. Re read of A Streetcar named Desire for A levels.

Words written towards book: 1098

Clothes bought: Denim Jacket £34 Next. 

On the blog this week: Creating an ideal outdoor space

Things that made me happy this week:

Pushkins annual visit to the vets finds her fit and healthy aged 13. Video call with grandson and his reaction to the photo of the bin lorry. Happy 18th celebrations in work for my students

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  1. Hope you’re feeling better now. Good luck to your student with her A Levels. Glad that all went well with Pushkin’s check-up. #project365

  2. Sorry to hear you are still feeling poorly and how annoying about the nails. At least they got fixed I suppose

    1. Nails still going well, getting bored of the colour now though

  3. Hooray for the first BBQ of the year, we might be having one tonight if the sun sticks around.
    Ugh! The migraines must be really getting you down. Sending love and hugs. I hope you are feeling better now. That is sad about having to say bye to the students but I imagine you have been a great help and support to them. x

    1. Appointment with the neurologist on June 24th

  4. Nice to be able to eat outside with some nice weather. Hope your students do well in their exams.

  5. My eldest will be starting her Alevels too...good luck to your students!

