Monday, 27 May 2024

2024 Week 21 - One Daily Positive, Project 365 and A Selfie a Day.


I got some bad news from the GP this week, my platelet count is high and over the phone I'm sort of half listening to 'blood clots' 'leukemia' words that have been thrown around for the past 7 years. I informed the GP again they have my bone marrow biopsy results and the consultant had signed me off. He had however stopped my Vit D supplements back in October, but the GP was unaware of this and suggested I upped the dose as my levels were extremely low, then asked me why I stopped the medication. Upon reading my notes she found the letter from the consultant and said that she now thinks most of my symptoms are due to lack of Vit D. I've been telling her I've been unwell since January. More bloods have been ordered and then I asked if I could see someone as I was still unwell with head, groin and back pains, breathlessness, fatigue, vision disturbances, pins and needles, stabbing pains, patches of skin burning, cold hands, nausea  and that's why I'd been to the GP 2 weeks earlier and had had more blood tests, she said I could see a locus next Tuesday. I just give up. They only seem to be interested in my bloods not the actual symptoms. I'm still trying to get seen by the skin clinic after a diagnosis of skin cancer back in February and I've been telling them since April that the chemotherapy cream they prescribed isn't working and all they've done is just told me to stop using it, but offered no further treatment or even an appointment. I do however have my neurology appointment on June 24th and my annual eye scan for the mole on my retina booked for August. I'm hoping at some point, someone night just look at the bigger picture and see if any of it is connected in anyway.

141  Monday After work I spent a couple of hours doing some gardening, then did some tidying up and some dusting, then watched a bit of TV before popping round to see a friend who has just moved house to help her with some curtains.

142  Tuesday After work I popped round for an hour to friends to cut back the front hedge round the gate, her parent turned up before I left. I got home and fell asleep from 5-8pm I was exhausted. I ran the hoover round downstairs. I missed the GP call during the morning as I was in one of numerous dead spots in the school, rescheduled for Thursday pm and I've booked the afternoon off.

A 7 year boy from the local school was left by his mum eating his pack lunch on the edge of our lawn at 5.40pm and she drove off. I did comment it was a weird place for a picnic and she just laughed. At 5.45pm I collected the school receptionist and at 6pm the mum walked back to collect him. No explanation.

143  Wednesday I went for coffee with friends after work, home to hoovering upstairs and clean the bathrooms. Evening spent watching TV while I cooked a rhubarb crumble using some fruit I found in the freezer and some out of date porridge oats.

144  Thursday A stressful day in work trying to get a room ready for my students A level tomorrow to accommodate her electric wheelchair and electric bed. The bed wouldn't fit through the door and the site team weren't available as they'd said they would be to assist. I had 5 mins before my GP call, so I interrupted my line manager and secretary in a meeting and with another colleague they sent me on my way and sorted it all out for me. Evening spent last minute King Lear and Earl of Kent relationship revision.

145  Friday First A level exam. English Literature Drama. I can't invigilate as I know the student and the subject too well. We've had permission from the exam boards to start all exams at 10am due to medical needs. The exam was 2 hours, but with extra time and rest breaks it took 5 hours to complete. My colleague and friend invigilated and I covered her break after the King Lear question was completed. Guess what the question was? Lear and Kent's relationship. Before I left the room, I saw the Streetcar Q's and knew which one my student would answer, when she finished the exam, she said 'bet you know which Q I answered' confirming why I can't invigilate. 

I left work and drove to St Albans to stay with my friend Chrissie and her daughter for the night, we went out for a Bangladeshi meal and went on a bat walk through the Abbey grounds on the way home.

146  Saturday Up late, a natter and walked out for a coffee. I left St Albans at 11.30am for a drive to Heathrow. Peter and I arrived at our meeting point at the same time. It was a 6 hour drive home as the M4 was closed. I drove and Peter sat in the back watching the FA cup final on my iPhone. He was happy Man Utd won. Home, unpacked, dinner, bath and an early night.

147  Sunday Had a lie in. Peter went food shopping, my Friday night chippy friend came round for a catch up and help with a job application. Peter and I went for coffee mid afternoon and dropped me off at my Wednesday coffee friends house to collect other friends dog who she was looking after for the weekend, but was going on holiday so I was having Olive the Pug for a couple of hours. She was collected around 6pm. I spent the evening watching Dr Who and Casualty and Peter went for a lie down to watch the Grand Prix.

Books read this week: 0

Words written towards book: 1182

Clothes bought: 0

On the blog this week: Reading Challenge - A book a week for 2024

Things that made me happy this week:

Olive, video calls with grandson, stepping stones for the garden and a visit with a friend in St Albans.

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  1. Oh gosh! What a worry from your GP. They do seem to be a bit to obsessed with testing your blood and not doing much else.
    That is odd about the boy on your lawn.
    The exams sound stressful but it sounds like they went well for your student. x

    1. The exams for the student are going well, it was the running round behind the scenes that was hectic.

  2. How frustrating that the doctors don't seem to be able to get a handle on your symptoms. Hope you get seen very soon and get a different treatment for your skin cancer

    1. skin cancer appointment booked for 27th and neurologist booked for 24th so hopefully something positive will come out of it

  3. Trying to get answers with all the medical issues going on sounds very frustrating. I do hope that you do get some answers sooner rather than later and that things start to improve for you health-wise. Glad that things got sorted for your student’s exam. I love how you managed to continue with your selfies with Peter while he was away with the video call screenshots. #project365

    1. Peter is tiring of the selfies now, but I'm not giving up. I said a year and a year I'll do

