Friday 24 May 2024

24th - 27th May 2024 Post Comment Love 2024

Welcome back to #PoCoLo with Stephanie from Bosworth.Life and I.

Post Comment Love #PoCoLo is a friendly weekly linky where you can link up any blog post you've written this week. If you're new or a regular visitor we're sure you'll find something of interest.

My husband has been in Cairo for a week working. He retired in June 2021, I'm surprised he lasted this long before they dragged him back out. It was only to deliver some training but it looks like it might be more than a 'one off' which is fine with both of us.

I'm still not used to having him around 24/7 after 20+ years of him always being away, usually at the drop of a hat. When we lived abroad I was so isolated and lonely, especially when we were in Dubai after the kids left home, but I have enjoyed this week on my own. 

Don't get me wrong, we both have our own space, friends and do our own thing, watching TV, cooking meals, going out and I'm still working, but I have enjoyed the not having to make decisions about anything other than just myself and being able to go to sleep at my time of choosing (not bed, just the time I automatically fall asleep) without the TV being on timer or another person just doing there thing which often disturbs me, such as rolling over, has been bliss.

I'll be collecting him from Heathrow this weekend and as it's half term next week, we'll both have a week off together to get on one another's nerves again.

We'd also appreciate your help spreading the #PoCoLo word on Twitter, tag us and we'll RT. You can find us on twitter here: Stephanie - @BosworthLife and Suzanne - @ChickenRuby 

I'll be catching up with reading your posts, sharing and commenting over the next few days. 

Want to find out more about Post Comment Love #PoCoLo? 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Suzanne, thank you for hosting. I can only participate once a month now because I only post once a month these days. I was so glad when you were able to go home, your life abroad sounded so difficult. Your husband being able to come out of retirement once in a while for some short-term temporary work sounds wonderful.

    1. thank you for joining in when you can, hopefully hubby will keep popping out of retirement

  2. Thanks for hosting the linkup! I look forward to this every week!

  3. Thank you for hosting this link up, Suzanne - we appreciate the time you devote to it each week! I had to smile when I read your post this morning... my husband and I have both retired recently and, while I love his presence (most of the time) I also get giddy when I have a day or evening at home alone! Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead!

  4. Hi Suzanne! Thanks so much for hosting and your warm hospitality.
    Linking up at #11

