Tuesday 14 May 2024

A day out at the Three Counties Show - RHS Malvern Spring Festival

Living in Malvern since 2002 we've popped into the at least one show a year at The Three Counties Show ground for 22 years, even when we lived abroad for 12 years.

They hold an event in Spring, Summer and Autumn.

The Spring Show is the RHS Flower festival. The summer show is more generalised with fun fairs, and the Autumn ones focuses on animals and giant vegetables. Each show has a variety of vendors from food to clothing.

The kids have been involved with sea cadets from portering plants to peoples cars to holding the landing net for the human cannon ball and with show gardens through their school.

We used to go to the Summer show with all the family and various aunts and uncles would join us with our parents, siblings, nephews and nieces.

Now days it's just me and Peter who go, occasionally our eldest son, Dil and grandchild may join us, or we'll collect mum for a weekend, but the show ground is getting expensive and it cost us almost £55 entry fee by booking ahead or £60 on the day, just for the two of us.

We have found the shows to be very useful with all aspects of our lives and we have purchased everything from plants, clothing, garden sheds, garden furniture, a house extension and our camper van.

At the Spring Show last weekend we bought two coffees and a sweet pea plant and got some ideas for garden path designs.

We still have a small shed to dismantle then we're going to start building the raised beds, a compost bin and a cold frame and we do need to replace a plastic framed greenhouse with something more substantial and get the water butt back in action. So we'll be looking out for our next few purchases at the summer show in June. 


  1. The shows sound fantastic. We have an agricultural show here every year and it's a great couple of days out.
    The shows do sound so useful for you. All I come back with from ours is fancy jam, fudge and maybe some handmade crafty things. lol

    1. I love the local country shows, they're so expensive though

  2. I would definitely be looking at a path design. I wouldn't really want to spend time at the end of my garden, the neighbours over the back are too noisy, but I'd love to be able to wheel down my garden and maybe grow some plants down there. I just need Charlie Dimmock to visit. :) I could get to the Malvern show it's not that far, in fact I'm sure I've been in the past.

    1. We've come to a stop now with the garden, just enjoying sitting in it, rather than doing any work.

  3. I do love a County Show, although I haven't been to one for quite some time. The Three Counties Show looks brilliant!

