Monday, 27 May 2024

My Garden in May

We seem to have missed spring and gone straight into summer, followed by some very wet weather, but at least the heating is off now.

We've had a couple of BBQs and now we have the covered area we've been able to BBQ even when it's been raining.

The garden is starting to take shape since we removed the she old shed, there's still the smaller one to come down before we can build the raised beds, but we've started tidying up the piles of soil that will be used to half fill the raised beds before topping up with fertiliser from the compost bin and compost we've yet to purchase.

This area will be the new pathway to the seating area created on the old shed base.

This is my favourite idea for paving as the ground is sloped, you can't see the detail in the photo, but the bricks merge the slope into a flat step. I took this picture at the RHS Malvern Spring Show.

We cut back a large shrub in the front garden to discover most of it was dead so made the decision to remove it.

The space it left behind has been filled with tomato plants, sunflowers and a pumpkin. As well as pak choi. The Dustbins are growing potatoes, herbs and chard. This spot gets a lot of sun. 

I'm looking to replace the temporary green house, now 4 years old and held together with cable ties, with a wooden one. The gate leads to the tools storage area and potting table.

Elsewhere in the garden plants have been repotted, seeds have been sown and young plants have been purchased from The Princes Trust Group at school.

Sweet peas, Blue Berry and Clematis. 

Peas and beans.


Do Olive trees fruit in the UK? The fig tree has produced 3 figs already. The orange pot contains Bobs forget me knot memorial and the there's a magnolia tree to eventually go in the front garden.

Little shed needs to go. I've lost my Rhubarb over the winter. Must get a new one.

The front garden is an absolute mess. The plans are as follows. The hedge row planted last year, must grow soon and something desperately needs to be done with these borders.

The fig tree will be moved under the bay window next spring. Hardly any bulbs came up, the plan had been to dig them up after they bloomed, but I have no idea where they are. The shrubs will be replanted in the back garden in autumn once we've finished there and this space will all be cleared out.

A close up of the plants shows it in a better light, it looks very pretty I think, and I've scattered wild seed to fill the gaps, there's a hydrangea in there somewhere which will be moved to the border, to merge with the hedgerow and the magnolia tree, will be planted in the middle of the lawn.


  1. Reading about the progress and evolution of your garden is always interesting and informative. Your outdoor covered area is a bonus; I wish we had one! #pocolo

    1. thank you, I really value the outdoor undercover space

