Sunday 30 June 2024

2024 Week 26 - One Daily Positive, Project 365 and A Selfie a Day.


Only 4 weeks left in work. I'm very sad about leaving. The hardest part for me is that I've made some really good friends, I've found my fit in a team and felt like I really belonged and was valued. We've promised to carry on meeting up.

176  Monday Peter drove me to my Neurology appointment at the hospital for 9am. I didn't feel like the hassle with parking etc. Neurologist has upped my preventative medication, booked a MRI and will see me in 3 months time. If the increase in meds doesn't work, he's referring me to the QE in Birmingham for new meds.

177  Tuesday Into work to collect a student from home. I'm really worried about the family from September onwards. I've handed over to Pastoral and a friend in work will over see the 2 children if needed. Another student almost cried when I told him I was leaving and asked 'who will look after me now?' I've bribed another friend. I then left for my Job Interview which is at an autistic school, just outside  Malvern. I returned to school late morning and resumed my normal duties. Peter met me in town for a coffee. I had a phone call and was offered the job, starting in September. Home to a pile of post and birthday presents, my friend called round also. We planned the raised flower beds.

178  Wednesday Happy Birthday to me. 53? How did that happen? Lovely card from colleagues, I took some cake in as is the tradition, but I often miss out as people don't always bother with a gluten free alternative. After work it was coffee as usual with friends. Home for dinner and an early night. Peter started work on the raised beds.

179  Thursday Into work till lunch time then off to Hereford for my Dermatology appointment as the chemotherapy cream for the patch of skin cancer on my leg hasn't worked. They're booking a biopsy in the next few weeks.

180  Friday Normal day in work and only 3 weeks left to go. We all met up at the train station to go to Worcester for a meal and a night out. I had a fantastic evening and was home around midnight. A parcel arrived from my son and his girlfriend in Australia for my birthday, a gift for my mum and I of Afternoon Tea and gifts for the their nephew and niece for me to forward. 

181  Saturday Spent the day mainly at home just pottering. We did pop out for coffee and a bit of shopping and had a BBQ in the early evening.

182  Sunday Off to Gloucester to visit Stephanie and try to persuade Peter to buy some pink or purple wood stain for the raised flower beds he is building, coffee and lunch out and a bit of shopping. I spent the evening filling in an application form for a Year Leader vacancy that has come up unexpectedly at my current work place.

Books read this week: Make Me - Lee Child

Words written towards book: 0 Job Application form 3500 words

Clothes bought: 2 x pairs of jeans. I've lost a whole dress size and I can take my old jeans on and off without undoing the button/zip. I've held the weight off for more than a month so time to make the investment £62 WhiteStuff.

On the blog this week: My Garden in June

Things that made me happy this week: Birthday wishes, night out with friends, video calls with grandson, BBQ.

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  1. That is good that you have met so many wonderful people at work.
    It sounds like a bit of progress with the Neurology appointment, I hope the increase in meds helps.
    That is great news about the new job but sad about the students that you are leaving.
    Happy belated birthday!
    On no! It seems to be one thing after another, now with the skin cancer. I hope the biopsy goes well. x

    1. my friends in work are amazing, they've carried me through all the health issues

  2. Happy Birthday to you. How come you have decided to leave your job - sounds like you have a lovely team around you

  3. Happy belated birthday. Congrats on the new job, hopefully you'll end up with a nice set of colleagues there too. It must be unsettling for the students who have had your support up to now Hopefully others will be able to take over.

    1. I'[ve assigned my students over to my colleagues

  4. Happy birthday!!
    I think a purple or a pink would be amazing for the raised beds. My husband made some tall raised beds (if I can call them that) and I painted them a bright blue. They look amazing, cheerful and colourful. I like the idea of purple, I might get that one next time.

    1. we've settled on grey, sadly I couldn't get him to agree to a 'colour' but at least it's not boring brown

  5. I can imagine you’re feeling sad about leaving your job – it sounded like you made a big difference to the students you helped. Happy belated birthday. It sounded like you had a nice night out with your colleagues. Good luck with your job applications. #project365

