Friday, 26 August 2011

Teenagers and school holidays

My two remaining kids are 12 and 16 and during the school holidays I can leave them in the house to pop to the bank, the shops or even get the car serviced at 7am.

Sometimes I can't leave them in the house together as the alpha male syndrome with the youngest is kicking in, but I trust them to have a key and go in and out.

The 16 year old is usually in all day and 12 year old in and bloody out all day.

Now I'm grateful my kids are older now, I recall the pressure in the family holidays to entertain the kids, mind you there were 5 of the buggers then, the costs involved, two cars where ever we went, but eventually buying a voyager with 7 seats as i could rarely manage 5 on public transport and don't get me started over the cost.

I see despair on twitter and face book at the start of the holidays. 'what do I do with my 7 & 5 year old for the next xx weeks? So I make suggestions, junk modelling, nature walks, sand/water, sod it even let them stay in front of the tv a few days, it won't hurt them.

But what to do with mine, no one ever offers me suggestions for what to do with my kids in the school holidays, but one day you will, when yours are in their teens.

We've been away for over a week, but the rest of the time they have been sprawled over my sofa in front of the TV, there is a permanent trail of biscuits crumbs, coke spills, empty crisp and sweet packets around the house, there's never anything to eat, there's nothing to do, they're bored, just want money which I don't just give them and to do what with anyway, no one is out.

So I suggested a picnic and a drive round the local game reserve tomorrow. We'd go spotting the Rhino or go a bit further afield and look for elephants, tea out on the way home, their choice and guess what?

Muuuuum we're not kids anymore.
