Saturday 29 June 2013

Holidaying back home? no, more like Tour of Duty

‘Ooooh lucky you, you’re going on holiday, to the UK, I’d love to go to the UK, take me with please’

And therein lies the problem.

I don’t want to take you with me to act as a tour guide, nor do I want to bring back all the things that you can actually buy here, but are just over priced as they are imported, like Bisto gravy and curly wurlys. I’m not going on holiday, I’m going on a ‘tour of duty’

I’m travelling to the UK this occasion to evict tenants from our house. The first thing I have to do on arrival is sign legal documents and hand them in at the court. Once I find out the time scale, costs etc I can then start making plans for all the visiting. In the meantime since announcing my trip, everyone is demanding a large slice of my time, hence the reason I booked a month long trip. I have many lovely things planned, visits, Britmums live, watching my son jump from an aeroplane, shopping and camping trips with friends.

I will also be investigating boarding schools for the youngest and have many appointments set up around the country so I can ‘kill two birds with one stone’  so to speak.

But I won’t get much rest, parents and children live Leeds, Gloucester, Forest of Dean, Monmouth and Bath. While I’m in the area I’m asked to just ‘pop by’ and say hi. I feel guilty if I don’t have time and people don’t seem to understand ‘why not?’ just ‘popping by’ often means I don’t get back to my bed for the night until late in the evening.

Well this trip is going to be different. Don’t make contact with me the rest of the year, don’t expect me to just ‘pop by’ on my visit. Funny how some people never contact you, yet see you’re planning a trip home and all of a sudden they can see you on face book, or they remember your email address. Yes it can be said that I can contact them, but I’ve done that and just given up, I’ve put myself out to squeeze in a visit in the past, but not this time.

So that aside, I’m still bed hopping, I’m still trying to fit everyone in, I’ve prioritised family and close friends, the other priorities are the house and the younger child's education. So please excuse me if I don’t visit you, you can always come to see me if you want, sorry for not filling my case with stuff to bring back for you, both directions.


  1. Good for you! It must be hard fitting everything in when you've got so much to do in so many different places. You've got to prioritise what's important.
    Good to meet you at Britmums Live. I'm not far from Gloucester and Forest of Dean, are you sure you don't want to pop in?! ;)

    1. still proving to be rather stressful, the courts are determining my time scale

