Saturday, 24 September 2016

Week 38 - One Daily Positive and Project 366

It's autumn in Dubai, how do we know? The lowest temp recorded this week was 26c, you have no idea how much of a relief it is for every one. It means the cold water out of the tap is no longer too hot to shower in. We can sit outside in the evenings and we don't have to put the air con on in a room if we're only going to be in there a few minutes.

Sunday - Yes. Peter was away in Egypt, so I took advantage of some early nights all week.

Monday - Computer. I still prefer good old fashioned pen and paper to plan with.

Tuesday - Food. Spent the evening in the nail bar, this was all that was in the fridge.

Wednesday - Flexible. I'm not flexible, I just adapt. I've been pushed to the limits at work this week and I've said no more. I'm also struggling to get up off the floor in class and have been suffering with quite a few headaches recently.

Thursday - Mood. Feeling the same as the cat right now, just want to eat, sleep and for people to get out of my face.

Friday - Autumn. Cause for celebration, it's noticeably cooler first thing in the mornings and last thing at night.

Saturday - Colour. Knitted decorations for the Palm trees at City Walk.


  1. I'm glad to hear it's finally cooling down for you, that must be such a relief! Sorry to hear things have been challenging at work.

    1. i guess after 5 years of not working, i'd forgotten how challenging work actually is

  2. Hope you sort the work situation out. Glad to hear it's cooling down.

  3. Love that palm tree, I spend one afternoon a week in school and one of these days I'm going to need a crane to get me back upright! Glad it's getting cooler for you #366

    1. tell me about it, i'm already suffering with sore hips

  4. Lol, love that you have yarn bombing over there too. I really couldn't cope with the heat you get. 26 being low...phew!

    1. i suspect the yarn bombing was done with full

  5. yarn bombing a palm tree, that must have taken some making. Not a lover of eggs but they do make for a nice quick meal.
    I agree pen and paper is easier for notes and lists than the computer.
    Glad it is cooling down a bit for you.

    1. Elaine, every palm tree had been yarn bombed, around 20 of them, i suspect it was planned

  6. thank goodness for the drop in temperature - i mean that is still hot for over here - but must be sooooo much cooler for you guys now.
    Loving the knitted palm trees - those poor trees must be sweating beneath their knit wear!!! xx

    1. sat on the front door step drinking tea after sunrise today

  7. You have shared your interesting routine of a week. And yeah Its indeed a blessing if the water coming from shower is not too hot like it usually is in summer season in dubai.

