Thursday, 15 September 2016

A visit to Malvern and a trip down memory lane

For 3 weeks in August/September, Peter and I were traveling around the UK, visiting family and friends.

We moved to Malvern in 2002, where we raised our 5 children for 8 years, before moving to South Africa and now Dubai.

We've made a couple of trips back to Malvern over the past 6 years, where we rent out our family home and make time to catch up with friends.

On this visit we spent 3 nights at The Montrose Hotel in the town and took a trip down memory lane.

The Garden at the hotel

The Winter Gardens or Priory Park

This tree is over 150 years old

Our youngest wouldn't walk over this wooden bridge and we'd always have to wait for him to go the long way round. Behind is the town's swimming pool.

The bandstand with the theatre in the back ground

The tree of life, where we'd sponsor a light in memory of my Gran

The view of the bandstand from the theatre

One of the many paths 

C S Lewis was a pupil at Malvern College and along with J R R Tolkien was a regular visitor to Malvern and took his inspiration for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe from these Victorian gas street lights. Tolkien is also recorded as saying the Malvern Hills reminded him of 'The White Hills of Gondor'

Great Malvern Priory

The grave of Charles Darwin's only child, Annie, who died aged 10

Malvern Spring Water is still bottled in the town. The Wells have been 'dressed' since the 12th century to give thanks to St Oswald for the water cures. Queen Victoria refused to travel without Malvern Spring Water and Elizabeth 1st would drink the water in public. 

Great Malvern and statue of Edward Elgar, composer of Pomp and Circumstance, better known as Land of Hope and Glory.

Looking down the town

Great malvern Train Station, opened in 1862

A game of petanque being played in the distance

Designed by sculptor William Forsyth 

Public toilets in Barnards Green

Morgan Motor Car Company

Pickersleigh Park, home to Malvern Town Wanderers Football Club, where most of my Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons were spent for 8 years 

Malvern Common

The best sledging spot in the whole of Malvern

View of the Malvern Hills

View from the Malvern Hills


  1. what a beautiful town. trips like that are always bitter sweet for me. hope you had a great holiday

    1. they are for us also, nice to revisit but always great to get back home

  2. Malverns so pretty and has so much history. Looks like it was a really picturesque trip!

    1. we really didn't appreciate it's beauty until we left

  3. I didn't realise the town had so much history and so many people were connected to it. I love the little touches such as flowers on the posts at the railway station. It all adds to the appeal of the town.

  4. Oh this is lovely - I haven't been to Malvern for years!
    I'm really sorry that we didn't manage to hook up during your visit. Where this year has gone I do not know :/

  5. Lovely pictures. I don't think I've ever been to the town but have walked on the hills with a boyfriend while I was at uni. I just remember lots of countryside and views, and it being a long old walk in hot weather. But beautiful area. #pocolo

    1. it sure is a beautiful town and we really miss it

  6. I have walked on the Malvern Hills but I am not sure I have ever been into the town. I love the lamp posts of course, especially now I know their literally significance! #HDYGG

    1. it is also said that J R R Tolkien was inspired by the hills for the Hobbit

  7. What fascinating buildings - and such great memories, they shine through in your post. Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo

    1. we would both like to live there again one day

