Saturday, 19 November 2016

Week 46 - One Daily Positive and Project 366

It's been a negative week. A week of feeling worthless, over worked, which resulted in vomiting and a migraine and catching up on a lot of sleep. I'm as ready as I'm going to be for school inspection next week, I've done everything I normally do, extras and then given just that one bit more. Despite planning having to be submitted by Tuesday (which I did) there were then emails yesterday and today with requests/orders to add in extras. I haven't.

Day 318 Window
Working long hours, all I see is sunrise and sunset these days

Day 319 Blue
Can't wait to leave work, I've never in my entire life felt so worthless, despite Governors inspection report stating I am a very good teacher.

Day 320 Reading
Today was looking better, out with friends for dinner at The Belgium Cafe.

Day 321 Crisp
I'm sure the people over at snaphappybritmums were thinking British Winter for the day's photo prompt, but here in Dubai winters aren't even cold by UK standards.

Day 322 Colours
The coffee was welcomed, but the biscuits had to wait for another day, migraine and vomiting so sent home from work early.

Day 323 Heart
I love taking Bob out into the desert, despite still feeling sick from yesterdays migraine, I didn't want to miss out.

Day 324 Photo
Still not feeling 100% but we have a visitor, a friend from South Africa, they're off to Jordan for a few days tomorrow. We spent the day at the 'Race to Dubai'


  1. So sorry to hear its not been a good week for you and sorry you have been feeling worthless. You are so not worthless!

    Hope you are felling better now

    1. thank you, i feel so much better since deciding to hand my notice in

