Saturday, 5 November 2016

Week 44 - One Daily Positive and Project 366

Quite an emotional week, decided to hand my notice in at work, I'm not feeling fulfilled, in fact I'm feeling like I'm just not good enough, despite the fact I am on top of all my paperwork, targets, and planning at school. I had good feedback from my Governors observation, but it just isn't enough. I just don't need the hassle. We've made new friends this week, dog walking on Friday and a coffee on Saturday with brunch arranged for next week. I had dinner out with one of my line managers after a long day with parent's evening and a weekend free of school work and yet I've still ended up in bed with a migraine and it's back to work tomorrow to prepare for the annual school inspection in 2 weeks time.

Day 304 Costume. Getting ready for Halloween, despite the shops being full of many items and pubs advertising events, I have NO idea if anyone will knock on the door.

Day 305 Scare. Sitting on the doorstep with Bob, waiting for the trick or treaters to come, we were out of sweets within half an hour.

Day 306 Wow. Handed my notice in at work today, arriving at work at 6am and not leaving till 4pm every day, enough is enough.

Day 307 Bright. Not a good idea to stay up this late when I have to get up at 5am every morning.

Day 308 Cuddle. In the absence of a physical cuddle, a bacon butty, new nails and rum and coke will do.

Day 309 Sparkle. Global Village fireworks every Thursday and Friday at 9pm.

Day 310 Fire. Trying to create an ambience but hubby blew them out, too hot already in the house.

Looking for a One Daily Positive has certainly helped me more than I could have imagined. It's made me look for the good every single day, even when I've been ill, my family have needed me or I've needed them, when I've been lonely, when times have been difficult, when we've packed up our entire lives and moved continents, when the kids left home.

I'd love it if you could join in with me.

Please feel free to add your One Daily Positives.

I don't have any rules, about liking, reading and commenting or badges you have to add to your blog and you don't have to have a daily positive everyday.

Feel free to add #OneDailyPositive on social media so others can follow your posts.

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  1. Sorry to hear work hasn't worked out for you, those long days must be a killer. We only has one trick or treater this year, last year, like you I ran out! #366

    1. i really dont need those levels of stress in my life

  2. Sorry to hear you've handed your notice in but completely understand - the targets and hours and stress sometimes just aren't worth it. I get in for 7.30 and that's bad enough. Halloween was mad here too - dog looks cute though! X

  3. ah thats a shame about your job, but as long as you know you have done the right thing then that is what counts. It must be very hard uprooting your life and moving across the other side of the world, away from family and friends, and in all that heat! I am sure as much as a bacon butty, lovely new nails and a drink help, they are not the same. It must be especially tough when you have not long visited the Uk. Sending you (hugs). xx

    1. thank you, i sometimes wonder what normal is these days

  4. what a shame about feeling unfulfilled and overworked, but maybe handing in your notice was the best thing for your mental well being, Hope you manage to find something else that you enjoy more.
    great fire works.
    love your wow picture and chuckled at hubby blowing out your candles

    1. i certainly feel much better since i made my decision

  5. It sounds like you made the right decision to hand in your notice. You gave it your best shot, but it just wasn't right for you. Fireworks every Thursday and Friday? People moan about having a few either side of bonfire night, I'm not sure what they would think of having them twice a week every week!
    Great idea to look for a positive in every day. I will ponder on that!

    1. global village is in the desert so no one around to bother with the noise, i just can't help but think about the expense

  6. It does sound like the right decision, although it's a shame it has to be that way. Hope you find other things to fill your time. Halloween sounds fun.

    1. I'm sure i'll find plenty to do and will be doing a lot more travel

  7. Good on you...if it wasn't right you then it was the right decision to make. Love the dogs hat!

  8. it was quite an emotional decision to make, but i'm pleased i'm leaving

