Saturday, 9 February 2019

One Daily Positive - Week 6. Rain in Dubai and the dentist

It's been a difficult week physically and mentally. I had 5 teeth extracted this week in preparation for dental implants as I have bone disease and need bone grafts also. I've known this for over 10 years, but with child 4 getting married this September and a loose front tooth, I've had to get it done now. At 47, with a full head of grey hair, the past 18+ months of medical issues and living with chronic pain and migraines, I'm not handling this all very well. Physically I struggled in the dental chair for 2 hours, mentally I have no front tooth (I have a plate for now). Thankfully there has been very little dental pain, jaws and gums sore but can eat and drink normally.

It's also been a long time since we've not had visitors or I've been travelling and as great as it is to have the house to myself and catch up with chores and just relax, the days been incredibly long with Peter at work.

34 Sunday Up early and off to the other side of the city for 8am and the dentist. 1 tooth extraction and mould made for bridge, I'll need to wear for 6 weeks, while the gum heals, then an implant, a further 8 weeks to heal then a new tooth will be in place. Afternoon spent tidying, watching movies and walking for an hour or two after the rain storm we had.

35 Monday A full day at home catching up with all the upstairs housework, washing and ironing. I mad the beds, cleaned two bathrooms and swept half the desert back outside.

36 Tuesday Off to the dog park then back to the dentist at 1pm for a deep clean of my gums, 5 teeth extracted and a plate fitted. Afternoon spent sleeping and shivering.

Getting cold over here in the mornings.

37 Wednesday Swept the sand off the balcony and the garden, rearranged the plants to get maximum winter sun. Went out for coffee and food shop, spent the rest of the day in front of the TV.

38 Thursday Cleaned the downstairs of the house, now the whole house and outdoor space is clean, tidy and welcoming.

It takes forever to get the pet hairs out this rug and then they ignore their comfy beds to sit by my feet on the rug.

39 Friday Breakfast with friends on the beach and our new sofa for upstairs was delivered in the evening.

40 Saturday Trip to the bank, coffee out and a food shop.Afternoon and evening spent on new sofa sorting paperwork and paying bills.

Cat and Dog had a spat.

On the blog this week:

Latest development at BlueWaters as part of my construction photography series, documenting the ever changing skyline of Dubai.

Reducing food waste with #goinggreen

What stresses me out the most and why?


  1. The dental work sounds horrible! I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end, but not nice to have to go through that much pain. I can imagine how long the days must feel. Even working at home, I feel that sometimes. I hate it on the days when my younger son has something on after school and I have to wait longer than usual to see another human! Your new sofa looks lovely.

    1. Wish I'd never started tyhis dental work, but no going back now, will be in the UK soon so all change again

  2. Oh gosh the dental work is making me cringe! I had 4 teeth out when I was younger for my braces and it was horrific...hated it!

    Am loving your new sofa!

    1. mouth has settled again for the time being, but really unpleasant. I'm loving the new sofa

  3. oew ow ow at the dental work, I can only imagine how achy your jaw is after having your mouth open for 2 hrs.
    I crave some time to myself but with an unemployed husband it is a luxury I never get.

    1. I used to crave me time when i had kids and a job now it's not me time when it's all the time

  4. That's good that you have had little dental pain considering you have 5 teeth out. It sounds awful. It must have been nice to have the house to yourself after being so busy for the last few months.
    Ohh! I do like your new sofa! Very fancy x

    1. I may not have had dental pain but I had a migraine grrrrr, resting on the new sofa this week

  5. Oh Suzanne, your dental work sounds a total nightmare, my sincere commiserations. Love your flower arrangements on the patio. We've seen your blue sofa on Insta, and Eddie commented how much he liked it, as it is big and has lots of comfy cushions.

    1. the cushions came with the sofa which was lovely, been loving sitting in the garden with the plants providing a bit more privacy

  6. That dental work sounds awful. Hopefully you don't have any problems with it, and it solves a problem. Nice sofa, we've had new ones too recently, but reckon N would like yours more - he's obsessedwith corner sofas.

  7. The new sofa looks fab, nice cosy area now. I don't envy you all that dentistry work, one operation on my gum was bad enough. #365

    1. am not leaving this area now, it's mine all mine

  8. I do remember you having a migrane hope your issues resolve soon. Dental thing hurts for sure. Sending positive thoughts towards you.

  9. I do remember you having a migrane hope your issues resolve soon. Dental thing hurts for sure. Sending positive thoughts towards you.

  10. I do remember you having a migrane hope your issues resolve soon. Dental thing hurts for sure. Sending positive thoughts towards you.

  11. So sorry to read about your ongoing teeth problem #365

    1. thank you, it'll be worth it in the end for sure

  12. The dental work sounds horrid. I've not had too much done yet. Hope it isn't too bad. Hugs. It really is difficult to juggle when the kids are about. Your new sofa looks lovely.xx

