Saturday, 2 February 2019

One daily Positive - Week 5. Golf, a chest infection and the kids fly home.

I'm fed up of being ill, went for routine bloods on Monday to be told I have a chest infection and now on antibiotics. Had this cough and cold for 2 weeks. It's flu season, everyone has it, but no, mine has gone onto my chest. Doctor asked why I didn't come and see her earlier, my reply...I'm always ill, I can't come here every 5 minutes, she said I'm always ill because I don't go soon enough.

Iron levels have risen after an infusion last month, next blood test 3 months away, lets hope I don't need anymore infusions now as the last one gave me an 8 day migraine.

Now it's February I have to start counting the days or I get out of sync with this project. I've numbered the whole year in my diary and made several mistakes so it's now one big mess. How do you remember?

27 Sunday Dropped 2 & 2a at the beach then I headed off for the final day of the golf. I walked out with Sergio Garcia and Lee Westwood. I don't see much golf as a marshal and the golfers rarely introduce themselves or say thank you after the round. Some are very friendly and chatty afterwards, not these two.

28 Monday Dr's for a routine blood test after last months iron infusion. It was a year ago today I woke up to the news that my SIL lost her fight with cancer over night. Headed off to Mall fo the Emirates for the day and visited the Frame in the evening.

We're 150ms in the air on a glass floor here. All 3 of us have also stood on the glass floor in the CN Tower, Canada which is 342ms high.

29 Tuesday Visited the Souk Madinat, took a walk on the beach and after Peter finished work we went to Global Village for the evening and dinner.

Peter photobombing.

30 Wednesday I popped to get my nails done as 2 and 2a sleep later, then off to the local mall for lunch and 2 and 2a went off on a desert safari in the afternoon. Peter and I watched TV all evening.

31 Thursday 2a and I went to Miracle Gardens for the morning as 2 doesn't surface until midday, spent a couple of hours at home catching up with the washing then headed off to the beach in a taxi, for a walk, dinner and to see the fireworks. Peter was working near by and joined us.

Too many nice things for just one photo.

32 Friday Brunch, not much else to say, ate and drank far too much but it was worth it, evening spent in front of the TV.

33 Saturday Up early to take 2 and 2a back to the airport. We were home by 6am, had breakfast and hit the last day of the sales. Dinner in front of the TV and the football on.

On the blog this week:
Do you actually get to just sit and enjoy your garden or is there always something that needs doing?
2a came to visit. It's the first time our Daughter in Law has visited our home.


  1. Oh Suzanne, sorry to hear about your chest infection. You must be so fed up with being unwell. Sorry to hear about your SIL, my condolences.
    The glass floor makes me dizzy, I'd chicken out to step on one. Lovely to have your family visiting, but you probably need a rest from all the visits. Take care!

    1. I'm on lock down right now, apart from the dentist and the dog park, i will NOT be going anywhere all week

  2. Aww! Bless you! You are having such rotten luck with all the illnesses you have had. I hope you feel better soon. That's great news that your iron levels have risen though.
    I always go back and check my last Project 365 post to check the numbers of the days. I usually end up going wrong and then put myself right when I get to the end of the year. lol
    Oh dear. That is rubbish that the golfers weren't friendly. I think it's pretty rude.
    Gosh! That makes me dizzy just looking at that glass floor.
    I don't know why but I never thought about you being able to watch Corrie in Dubia!

    1. If I thought about the glass floor and the height, I probably wouldn't stand on it. Antibiotics are working and I feel much better.

  3. Sorry to hear about the chest infection. Really hope it clears up with the antibiotics.
    Lovely photos this week. It looks like you had a good time with 2 and 2a visiting. I particularly like Peter's photo bomb!
    I really struggle with numbering of 365 too. I'm OK until about March because I just add the days up, but I know I tend to make a few mistakes towards the end of the week.

    1. What throws me with the numbering is when I forget to post a picture one day. Had a great visit from the kids, time to relax now

  4. Hope the chest infection is on the way out. We've all had the usual winter cough/cold although thankfully the OH has escaped tonsillitis this year, the longest time without it I can remember.

    1. good to hear hubby isn't suffering this winter

  5. Chest infections can turn nasty quickly so look after yourself.
    I was informed by SIL that Robert MacIntyre is from Oban and he remembers him puttering around the golf course as a child.
    I just label mine by week rather than by picture number else I do get muddled.

    1. thank you, feeling much better now with the antibiotics

  6. Hope that you are now feeling better and the antibiotics have kicked in, its always difficult to know when to go to the doctors, although my husband always leaves it too late and he gets a nasty chest infection which always needs steroids, but he won't be told! Must be lovely to have the visitors, although it also looks very tiring!

    1. it's nice to have both visitors and to have them leave lol, antibiotics for chest kicked in now thankfully

  7. Annoying about the chest infection - hope you are better soon. Looks like a lovely week with 2 and 2a. I label my posts by the week so just check to see what last week's was before I post. You could do with one of those diaries that tells you which day of the year it is - I've had one like that in the past, but I wasn't doing anything that I could have used it with at the time.

    1. I've ended up writing the days in my dairy for the rest of the year, but made 2 mistakes doing that grrrrrr

  8. Oh I'm so sorry to hear about your chest infection. You must be so fed up with being unwell. Big hugs and love. Also, sorry to hear about your SIL, my condolences and lots of love. I do love the look of the glass floor, it looks cool. Take care and hugs xx

    1. I'm in my 2nd year of being constantly under the weather now

  9. I think we need to put you in an isolation unit for the next six months and get all these germs gone. But seriously, it’s good news that the infusion has helped. I use an online day numbers of the year to check my weekly posts are right. Looks like 2 and 2a fitted lots in to their stay with you. The frame looked fab #365

    1. fingers crossed this infusion has given my ferritin a kick start and I don't need any more

  10. Sadly the golfers come across as rude and thinking they are a cut above. #365

  11. Sorry to hear you haven't been too well, hope you are feeling better now. The sesert safari sounds amazing but I really don't think I could cope with the heat.

  12. Oh no sorry about the chest infection but glad the iron infusion worked and your levels are up! Love Peter photobombing the photo!

    1. it's not like Peter to play around like this, made us laugh

