Monday, 27 January 2020

Preparing to relocate to the UK

In 3 days time I'm leaving Dubai and relocating back to the UK. Peter is remaining in Dubai for the next 2-3 years before he retires and we'll be spending our time travelling between the two countries as well as visiting child 5 in Australia and spending time together in Egypt, Turkey and South Africa where Peter will also be working.

I applied for my Transfer of Residency in December and it came through in 48 hours. I need this to avoid paying tax and duty on our pets and furniture. The Pets are flying into Manchester this weekend, but the furniture won't be shipped until May/June. I need to write a list and upload that online also.

I arranged for painters, repairs and cleaners to renovate the house back in December and the work will be finished on my arrival. I also moved all the furniture from the 1 bed flat we own in South Wales, so I can operate fully in the house without any further expense and the flat is now on the rental market.

Also back in December I took over the dog and cat beds, food/water bowls, spare collar and lead and purchased a littler tray and food as well as a stair gate and a winter coat for Bob the dog.

Although the seasons are the same, Dubai in winter is still warmer than a UK summer, so I don't have to pack clothes or toiletries so my suit case on this trip contains paperwork, more paraphernalia for the pets, a steam cleaner so I can ensure the bathrooms are spotless and anything else I can think of that I'll need until the container arrives in June.

I've spent a few days sorting out the kitchen cupboards, table ware and bedding as we'll be dividing the house contents up here in Dubai as Peter will need to fully furnish an apartment. We've been to look at a few in the Marina and have decided on our budget and area already, but as our contract on the Villa is until the end of May we won't be renting until the 1st/2nd week in May.

Peter is joining me in the UK in 10 days time and I need to start looking for suitable boarding care for the cat and dog as soon as I arrive back as I'm back in Dubai for 3 weeks in March. I've done some facebook research but really need to visit the facilities before I make a decision. We'll also be buying a car in the UK.

When I'm back in Dubai next I'll have to sell the garden fence, slabs and remove the lawn and plants as our rental contract states we must return the villa in the same condition we rented it in or we'll lose our deposit of AED 10,000/£2,000 which will go a long way towards the damage our tenants caused to our property, for which we only got back their deposit of £1,450. We also need a new deposit for the apartment in Dubai.

This is the best time of the year to be in Dubai, it's quiet and cool and perfect for the outdoor life. I'm sad to be leaving, mainly because Peter and I will be living apart for a few years, but I know once I'm back in May, in the heat organising our move to an apartment and the shipping of our furniture I won't regret the decision we've made.

Peter will also visit the UK in June for a few weeks and I'll get to spend more time with the family and our friends. We have no plans after that date, I'll have the freedom to visit Dubai anytime I like as long as I can find suitable boarding for the cat and dog.


  1. Wishing you the best of luck with the move.
    I hadn't thought of the change in weather and how your pets are going to take it. I think Bob is going to need that coat! It is freezing here with talk of snow! x

    1. no snow thank you until after the cat and dog land into manchester and are safely delivered to my door please

  2. Sounds like a lot of hard work but it will be worth it. Good luck and I hope it goes smoothly for you.

    1. thank you, you'd be surprised with what has already been achieved

  3. Gosh, you need to be so organised! Welcome back to the UK! #pocolo

  4. It must feel to you like this move has been going on forever! It sounds like it is almost completed now. You will be a globetrotter for the next few years, at least until your hubby retires. That's exciting! Good luck.

    1. thank you, it's so nice to have a proper base now to travel from

  5. Sounds like an exciting new stage of your life. Really hope the move goes smoothly for you. #PoCoLo

  6. I hope you have a smooth transaction X #pocolo

