Saturday, 4 April 2020

One Daily Positive - Week 14 Getting out in the garden

This isolation is no different from when I'm in Dubai other than the fact I can't go out for coffee whenever I want, usually once a day. With the weather hotting up in Dubai, it won't be long before it's too hot to sit out in the garden and I'd be stuck indoors all day. Peter is busy working from home and it's not slowing up as he his job is to provide chemicals to the the food and beverage industry. We both think I've made the right decision to return to the UK, despite not knowing how long it'll be before we will see one another again.

I've got plenty to do here with the house renovations and the garden as well as writing letters to various care homes for Postcards of Kindness and to family and friends.

However there are some noticeable differences, I can still walk Bob daily here in the UK, people are friendlier than ever, although I do feel like a social pariah when we leap out of each others way. My neighbours are chatting through windows, over fences, people are stopping to look at the rainbows in my windows and we're asking one another if everything is OK. The phone doesn't stop ringing, post is coming through the door and voice over internet isn't blocked here so I'm chatting more with my friends than ever before.

On Tuesday whilst out walking Bob, there was an old lady at her window, waving frantically to me, she managed to open the door, I asked if she was ok, she said she hadn't seen or spoken to anyone since her food was delivered last week and she thought I looked friendly. She lives in a retirement block, but the communal areas are out of action, they're organising food and prescriptions to be delivered but there is no one on site. I've said I'll walk past the same time every evening.

89 Sunday Day spent in pjs, watching TV, sorting some paperwork, reading and eating junk food, big mistake, felt miserable and bloated and didn't sleep well that night, won't be doing that again. Walked Bob out to post some Easter goodies to family and friends. I'd bought everything back in February and already had the stamps. I only posted what would fit in the letter box to save a none essential trip to the post office and I now have 4 easter eggs, seeds, bird feeders and bath bombs to use for myself. Did mums food order over the phone. I'd booked a slot for her over 2 weeks ago and had just added the minimum spend to secure the slot.

90 Monday Spent the morning sorting through what I actually have in the house for things for me to do over the coming weeks/months. Wrote some letters and decided to make the trip to Waitrose to purchase Gluten Free foods, fresh fruit and veg. There was a 45 min polite queue. I was surprised at how many people were just popping in to pick up food for tonights dinner. I had my 'old lady' shopping trolley and a large bag to carry home with me, some 2 miles. I was out for 4 hours in total. We celebrated Pushkins 11th birthday with cake, cards, decorations and gifts.

91 Tuesday I spent the day writing letters to family, friends and Postcards of Kindness, picking a home from the website for each letter of the alphabet and I've enclosed a Stamped addressed envelope so they can write back without the need to visit the post office. Walked Bob in the evening and had GF pizza, sweet potato fries and beans for dinner and a glass of wine, finishing the bottle I started last week. Mum called in the morning and a friend in the afternoon and I spoke to MIL and child 5, both doing well.

92 Wednesday Started the day hoovering and did the ironing. I'd been saving it for best.  Then I went out into the shed to pot up some seeds, using the one bag of compost I'd bought in February and repurposing the recycling as seeds trays. I then spent the afternoon/evening in the dining room or cat cafe as it's been renamed and caught up with blog comments and scheduled some posts.

93 Thursday Had breakfast and then spent the morning blogging, commenting and sorting through photos on the laptop. Took Bob out for a walk before lunch time and found somewhere I could let him off the lead. More time in the garden, edging the borders with house bricks I collected from around the house. Joined in with the clapping and felt emotional again.

94 Friday Planned my meals for the day based on use by dates, did some blogging, opened and ate half an easter egg. Took Bob back to the field with his ball, he found some fox shit to roll in and eat and wouldn't come out of a stream he found also. I placed some teddy bears in the windows and finished off a pair of giraffes I made with RedTedArt that have also gone in the window.
This used to be a border, I removed all the shrubs back in February and have levelled it our ready to seed.

95 Saturday Finally enough clothes to put a wash on, also washed the towels, highlight of my week so far. Wrote thank you notes for the postman and rubbish collectors and did some blogging/commenting. Phone and skype calls planned this evening. The rest of the day involves a dog walk and hopefully it'll warm up enough to finish the last bits in the garden.
I'm shattered but pleased with the work in the garden so far.

On the blog this week:

Why I don't like hearing news on Social Media

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  1. Heehee I've been picking my meals depending on use-by dates lately too, as I've been buying more on each shop and we don't have a freezer any more ! Looks like you've got plenty to keep you busy - just as well you have the animals to keep you busy. Lovely you chatted to the old lately - it must be really lonely for those who live by themselves and don't get out and about any more. xx

    1. I'm getting tired of eating, I regulate myself but it feels like my whole life is centred around food

  2. It sounds like you made the right decision to return to the UK. I do hope you and Peter get to see each other soon. It sounds like you are keeping yourself busy.
    Aww! That poor woman. My great Aunt lives on a retirement block and is getting lonely so I am phoning every couple of days.
    Happy birthday Pushkins! What a lucky kitty to have such a fuss made and lucky Bob being let off the lead.
    Writing those letters is such a lovely thing to do.
    It looks like you're getting on well in the garden. We're removing the borders out of ours next week. Eek!
    Take care x

    1. I've actually had a good 2nd week, the first one took some adjusting to, but I've plenty to keep me occupied

  3. The UK sounds good for you right now.
    Ahhhh the old lady sounds lonely in her isolation, glad you can cheer her up.
    I am sure your letters to the care homes will be well appreciated. Hope you get lots of replies.
    I have visions in my head of your house crumbling as you collect house bricks for your garden

    1. ha ha to the bricks, no they were piled up behind the two sheds, no idea where they all came from

  4. How lovely to write all of those letters, I'm sure they will be very appreciated! And how nice to cheer the old lady up - it must be good to think that you've got a friendly face. It does seem strange that people would take a stressful trip to the supermarket for just one day's worth of food. We used to do that in the old days, but now we are planning carefully. You've made very good progress with your garden.

    1. I'm really enjoying spending time in the garden, feel like I'm actually achieving something. i love letter writing and have pen pals around the world

  5. Ya for the letter writing! I love that the lady thought that you looked friendly, how nice of you to over to walk by again :)

    1. I think I looked more panicked than friendly when I saw her frantically waving from the window

  6. The amount of people buying stamps was incredible today, I think everyone has the same idea and I know I would love to receive a letter in the post. Glad you have been able to chat to friends, it makes a lot of difference to a day

    1. I didn't need to buy stamps, I inherited my late fathers collection so I'm using them up

  7. Looks like you've got plenty to keep you busy. It can be hard, but the animals seem to keep you busy. It must be nice to have send some letters xx

    1. Can always find something to keep me occupied

  8. Aww feel sorry for that old lady...nice of you to stop and say you will pass the same time each day.

    My husband has been going to the shop to just pick up one or two things and it has been really frustrating me.

    Lovely of you to write all those letters.

    1. She wasn't there the 2nd day, I've started to receive replies now

  9. Happy belated birthday to Pushkins! I think you have made the right decision to come back to the UK, even if you are missing Peter. The animals keep you company, and you have a lot to keep you busy. So sad to read about the lonely old lady. Glad she waved to you and had a chat.
    How lovely of you to write all these letters. I don't remember the last time I wrote one. Keep safe!

    1. Yes it was the right decision to come back, it's now too hot in Dubai to be sitting in the garden. I've started to have replies from the care homes, which is nice

  10. I am a bit like you trying to organise the meals by the dates. I've always done meal planning to at least some extent, but it's a bit wearing making sure you meal plan for a week or two weeks in advance, so you don't have to go to the shops very often. Happy Birthday Pushkin!

    1. I don't mind not being able to go to the supermarket and happy to continue with meal planning for a long time to come, it's just not being able to pop out that gets to me

  11. What a lovely load of letters, I am sure they will be gratefully received and that you have put in return envelopes too. I bet that lady seeing you each evening is the highlight of her day. Poor thing, some people must be very lonely. The garden looks like it is coming on a treat. Enjoy those Easter Eggs.

    1. Easter eggs went quickly, happy with the garden now and starting to get replies from the letters I wrote

  12. It must be hard to be apart at a time like this but it sounds like it was right. I love that you are doing all that letter writing and keeping busy. It's a very strange time isn't it? I am a volunteer for triaging people for food parcels and it's busy work but I can see how much it is needed.

    1. well done with the volunteering, I've registered to help out in quite a few places but no takers yet

  13. Wow, your social activities definitely haven't ended. I hope you and Peter get re-united soon. That's a long shopping time but good that it was peaceful; that wouldn't be the situation here. Happy birthday, Pushkins. Cool envelopes. Good luck on the garden. How sweet of you to send letters to the postman and rubbish collectors

    1. My social activities are the same now as they were before lockdown, other than going out to a coffee shop, not much change as it all takes place in the home

  14. Glad you are able to make the most of your time at home. How lovely that you could help that lady: I can't imagine living alone in this situation. As a stamp collector, I love the variety of old stamps you have used to keep in touch with people, so thoughtful to include an SAE. #project366

  15. I've come to a bit of a standstill with the house now, need a break from it, but sadly that won't be happening for a while yet, in the meantime I'll be writing more letters

