Friday 3 April 2020

Post Comment Love 3rd - 5th April 2020

How is everyone holding up? I've refrained from blogging about how the lockdown is affecting me as it isn't really much different from my normal life. My only concern is when I will see my husband next. He stayed working in Dubai and I made the decision to return to the UK.

I've got plenty to occupy myself with having reclaimed our family home in December after 9 years of tenants. I've made the most of the lovely weather and have made numerous repairs to the sheds, cleaned them thoroughly and tackled the garden, reclaiming the patio and paths from the lawn and remarking out the borders. I've also got the decorating to finish and have been tackling small plumbing and repair jobs with the tools I have to hand.

I've chosen to go into self isolation after a packed flight and a cross country journey to Worcestershire. I figured I was at greater risk of catching the virus due to travel than at any other point and as I've had pneumonia twice in 10 years, I'm probably at higher risk.

I've plenty of TV to watch, DVD's and books also and have tonnes of photos to sort and blog posts to write.

We're taking a break next week from #pocolo for Easter, but will be back on the 17th April.

Stephanie and I would love to hear about what you've been up to this week.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm not writing much about COVID-19 either, but oddly, am finding that the topics I choose are relevant to our situation now--and maybe far more than ususal, simply because we are all living under a bit of stress.

