Friday, 4 September 2020

4th - 6th September 2020 - Post Comment Love

My last week in Dubai before I return to the UK on Tuesday. The last time I left Dubai was in March and had no idea how long it would be before I returned. This time I'm planning to come back in November for the winter.

I've lined pet sitters up and will need to finalise the dates with them on my return. 3 months is a long time for someone to look after our cat and dog and live in our house. 

I've had two pet sitters for this trip, a friend of a friend who was stranded in the UK due to covid and our youngest son (aged 21) who took a week off work and I had to ask 2 friends to collect him and take him home and a friend and neighbour who is covering the last few days.

The first half of my trip to Dubai was super busy selling my car, closing bank accounts, drs, dentists and opticians and organising a shipping company. This week has been more relaxed and I feel like I've had a proper holiday and rested.

Stephanie and I would love to know what you've been up to this week.

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