Sunday, 20 September 2020

Week 38 One Daily Positive - Painting sheds and a dolls house

Getting no more than 4 hours sleep a night, but it's really not enough for me and I'm unable to exercise due to isolating, I'm finding myself just eating and dozing on the sofa during the day. I needed the first few days to recover from the flight and the jet lag, but I need to kick my arse into gear now and get motivated.

We Iive next door but one to a large primary School. it's been nice hearing them out in the play ground. Mary told me she has to wear a mask on the school run due to the size of the drop off area. I've been surprised to see no masks being worn outside our school. I'm really not looking forward to being out and about next week. I have to have my car serviced soon and will be spending the day in Gloucester, apart from stopping for a take out coffee, I will be wearing my mask outdoors as well as in the shops.

257 Sunday Up early and sat blogging, replying to comments and catching up with comments from the linkies. Put the washing machine on, got dressed and spent the day in the garden, some weeding, lawn edging and painting the shed, swopping between jobs. I cooked myself a roast dinner which I ate around 3pm with green beans I grew myself.

258 Monday Arranged a zoom call with Age Concern who I'll be volunteering with once I'm out of isolation. Chased up a refund from a private covid test that couldn't give Peter an appointment within his required timescale for returning to Dubai. Still chasing the shipping company for a date so I can finalise flights and house sitters for my return to Dubai and confirmed my attendance at the night Golf in Dubai in November. Also ordered a few things online for the house and stuff to take back to Dubai for Peter for Christmas that I was unable to source out there. Started painting the shed.

259 Tuesday Finished the first coat on the big shed, Peter replaced panels on his last visit, the wood just absorbed the paint, it says 'one coat' but it'll have to be two. I took my covid test to the nearest, approved post box. Bob was so excited to go for a walk. Sadly an encounter with 3 teens from the local school and their refusal to social distanced resulted in me being told to 'go fuck myself' The afternoon was spent gardening and edging the back lawn. it looks so much better.

260 Wednesday Started the day washing and ironing, painted the gate posts and panels and the first coat on the small shed as well as the inside of the big shed. Finally my door from Wickes was collected, it's been sitting in the hall way since the end of July. Food shop arrived. I'm still washing everything that comes into the house, that way I can relax and carry on as normal within my home. I finished edging the front lawn. turned cold really quickly this evening, so I had an early bath, dinner and watched TV. Bob has missed his walks, but is happy playing and sunbathing in the garden.

261 Thursday Second coat of paint on the shed. I cleared my shed out and created a little area where I can sit if it rains. A few DIY jobs to fix the bike store so they're secure. Tidied everything away, did some batch cooking for the freezer and made some cakes, spent the evening online with the TV on in the back ground.

262 Friday Slept for 8 hours, I did take half a valium though. Feel much better mentally, but physically my chronic pain is letting me know I've over done it with the painting and gardening during isolation.  Finished tidying up the loft bedrooms, ready for painting. Started renovations on my old dolls house, wrote 30 letters for #postcardsofkindness, had chips and wine as usual.

263 Saturday Didn't sleep well and battled with a migraine all day, managed to mow the lawns and did a bit more work to the dolls house. I feel like the cat looks today.

On the blog this week:

Am I an ex-expat, a re-pat or what? My repatriation journey

My Sunday Photo - Before and After the completion of the new Metro in Dubai

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  1. Oh gosh, 4 hours of sleep a night is not enough. I hope you get more soon.
    Your roast dinner looks so good. Well done with the green beans.
    I think people are going to be so happy with the letters you are sending.
    I hope you are feeling better soon x

    1. Thank you, I do hope the letters are well received

  2. Hope you get rid of the migraine and start getting more sleep. It's so nice to eat food you've grown.
    There's no masks on our school run either. Most parents drive up and kids get out the car before we drive off. There's no contact with anyone. There's probably about 20 kids who walk or cycle, so not many parents at the gates. Although it's annoying to see dog walkers all wandering through them at school drop off time.

    1. I purposely avoid walking the dog or leaving the house during school hours, its chaos out there

  3. Such a beautiful cat! I know how you feel with only getting 4 hours sleep, I've not been getting much myself. Well done on the 30 letters! I need to catch up with my snail mail as I have a few here that I need to reply to.

    1. thank you, hopefully the sleep will improve now I'm out of isolation and can start going out for walks again

  4. Lack of decent sleep is horrible. Hope you start getting some better nights of sleep soon. We’re having to wearing masks on the school run now. The garden and shed look good. Hope you managed to find time to rest and recover over the weekend. #project366

    1. Thank you, I've had a couple of down days and am nicely relaxed

  5. That's not good regarding the lack of sleep, it wears you down after a while doesn't it. I'm amazed they don't have to wear masks outside that school - it's on a main road!! Mind you, not all the parents are wearing them to our school, I stay well out of the way thankfully and we can avoid them all. Hope you get somewhere with the cargo company soon, good re the golf #366

    1. I can't even blame Peter and his snoring lol. Container is supposed to be loaded today but not heard anything from the company

  6. Four hours of sleep is definitely not enough. Sorry to hear you had such a nasty encounter with the bloody rude teenagers. At our school parents are not requested to wear masks, but to be fair, almost everyone is social distancing. Looks like Bob is smiling in one of the photos.
    Are you using the stamps from your Dad's collection for posting the letters? They are so beautiful.

  7. I love all the stamps on the postcardsofkindness!! All so pretty!! I hope you are getting more sleep this week! You must have inspired me as I finally painted my decking this week... the impending rubbish weather meant I had to stop procrastinating over it!
    Sorry to hear you and Bob had a run in with some horrible teens, utter goons. Hopefully one day they will grow up! Hope you are having a lovely week! Sim x

    1. well done with the decking. I'm starting on the internal doors next

  8. I feel your pain with the sleep. I have gone back to work at a pre-school and been hit by a heavy cold so I have not been able to sleep at all. Social distancing just doesn't seem to be happening here either, although my other job is tightening up measures again. The postcards of happiness look fab

    1. sorry to hear about the lack of sleep with you also, especially with you working

  9. Hope you get rid of the migraine and start getting more sleep. I am the same on the migraine front. It's so nice to eat food you've grown. xx

    1. Hoping the migraines were linked to lack of sleep, now I'm back into a reasonable pattern I'm hopeful they'll calm down now

  10. Hope you've managed to get your sleep back into a sensible routine - 4 hours is definitely not enough. I remember a few days (weeks ?!) of that when the kids were babies and you turn into a gibbering wreck ! Definitely have a nap whenever you feel like one ! The postcards of kindness look great - love the stamps. Aaagghhh the blooming teenagers of doom - gitbags !

    1. Hopefully sleep is now sorted now I can get out and about and some exercise

  11. 4 hours of sleep is definitely not enough! Hope you manage to get better sleep soon.

    Didn't realise there were approved post boxes for the tests.

    Sadly these days a lot of teenagers have no respect for anyone.

    1. yes the NHS covid home test sends you to a website to find them, the results are also time sensitive

  12. Hope you reach a sensible place with your sleep - 4 hours sleep a night is hell. Annoying about the teenagers - I would never have dared say something like that.

    1. out of isolation, some exercise and hopefully lack of sleep now rectified

  13. I hope you are getting more sleep now. I couldn't cope with that little. Your roast dinner picture looked proper tasty! Love comfort food like that. Wow at all the letters you wrote, that is such a massive amount. It reminds me of my penpal days!

    1. I've been getting a bit more sleep since I finished my isolation and have been able to get out and walk Bob

  14. As a stamp collector, I love the letters pic! I am struggling on 7 hours of sleep and its the most I've had in years so no idea how you have been coping! #project366

    1. I used to struggle with little sleep and didn't cope well when the kids were at home and I was working

  15. Sorry to hear about the lack of sleep, hope you are having more now. It is so difficult to be motivated in isolation. Your shed looks brilliant. We wear masks at our schools for drop off and pick up but it still amazes me how many dont and take umbridge with it.

    1. Am getting a bit more sleep now, thankfully

  16. Try doing cardio at home, get weights if you can. that can help you exercise at home. True, outside college, people barely wear masks. Food looks delicious and I love the plate with the words of animal sounds written on it. Rude teens. The lawn looks great. Sometimes, all you need in a day is a good sunbath. Aww those postcards are adorable

    1. The only exercise I do is swimming and walking, can't swim at the moment as our local pool is being refurbished and now I'm out of isolation the walks have resumed

