Thursday, 3 September 2020

My garden in August 2020 - The UK and Dubai

I seem to have spent the whole summer just gardening.

The UK garden was in an awful state after years of neglect by tenants, however we've been tenants abroad for the same length of time and we've looked after the outsides of the properties we've rented as much as the insides.

Even though it's summer in Dubai, don't be fooled with it being too hot for anything to grow, the humidity keeps everything moist and it's too hot to work outside so it just turns into a jungle and needs cutting back for Autumn.

Our garden in Dubai was created from scratch, you can see the photos here.

You can also see before and after photos of the UK garden here.

I've been growing veg from seeds and have had some successful crops of peas, beans, cucumber, tomatoes and herbs all from seed.

My friend gave me this green house for my birthday back in June and I sowed more peas and beans that I was able to plant out early August, so looking forward to another crop on my return to the UK.

My friend also dropped a load of rocks off for me to make new borders in the front garden, We also made a new frame work for the bin store and have climbing plants to grow up it.

I'd put off tackling the front garden as the ground was like rock. I'm not a neat and tidy worker.

These rocks were going spare, welcome to the 1970's look.

Peter came for a visit and with isolating for 2 weeks we got a lot of work done in the house and garden, including re panelling the side and front of the shed. It was cheaper to buy new wood and do the job ourselves. On my return I have to finish painting it inside and out and sand the other two sides down for painting also.

Looking forward to seeing how the pumpkins have grown, although sadly the snails keep getting to them. Hopefully one or two will survive as there have been multiple flowers.

Hopefully there will be some tomatoes left when I get back.

Cucumber grown from seed.

Hopefully I'll return home to more cucumbers.


The cactus just keeps on growing.

The garden was very over grown.

And very sandy.

All the Aloe has died, which is a shame.

My potted palm tree grown from a cutting looks rather forlorn.

The only remaining house plant, which had to be salvaged as ants had made a nest in there.

Early mornings at 6am are the only time to garden in Dubai.

I seem to spend most of my gardening time in Dubai sweeping sand so I can enjoy the garden.

When I moved the cactus on the balcony to sweep the sand, these bits dropped off. Previous pieces in the pot have rooted, so I'm hopeful these pieces will take also.

I was surprised to find this birds nest when I cut back the tree.

I'm hopeful the grass will recover.

All sorted now and I still have a few days left in which to enjoy sitting out in the garden in the early mornings, before I return to the UK next week and no doubt have to sort the garden out there as well.



  1. You have done a good job there x #pocolo

  2. Fascinating to see both gardens and all the work you have put in!

  3. This is so fascinating! I totally assumed Dubai is one large desert city and nothing but cactuses would grow there.

    As for the tenants having neglected the garden, that's sad. When we rented a house, we did take care of the garden. #pocolo

    1. The desert is very much as you imagine, but the city and suburbs is bright and vibrant with flowers and grass, but it does require a lot of watering

