Friday, 30 July 2021

30th July - 1st August 2021 Post Comment Love. Unpacked and ready to get on with life

Welcome back to PoCoLo with Stephanie and I, it's great to see so many familiar and new faces each week and I do enjoy reading everyones posts.

I've not been blogging too much since our return to the UK as I kind of think people aren't really interested in life without drama. I could write a 'how to guide' for unpacking, settling into a new home, provide a list of all the things one needs to do and top tips on how to survive a move but these things have been written about to the death and the one thing we've learnt since living abroad is that everyones situation is different anyway.

Our dining room is out of action, packed with boxes for the kitchen that we won't unpack until we have a new kitchen fitted, a sofa that can't sit in place until the boxes are unpacked and 2 dining room tables. One we inherited, which is currently under a sofa bed with a fridge freezer, that came from our flat which we now rent out. We basically have the contents of 2 houses and 1 flat all in 1 place.

We don't have any kids at home and the next visit from our grandchild is the middle of August and we'll just keep the dining room door closed.

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  1. I enjoy reading about the goings on in the lives of others even without drama! Especially negative drama, I certainly don't want to read about that. I would much rather read about the ins and outs of every day life! Thanks for hosting the party. Have a great weekend!



    1. I do to, but I feel i'm on repeat most weeks

