Sunday, 23 January 2022

Week 3 2022 One Daily Positive and Project 365

I had my first time in a small space with mostly strangers in a village hall for a party and not wearing a mask. First time I've done something like this in a long time. We did attend a wedding in June but it was socially distanced and masks were worn in the church and an outdoor garden reception. The wedding disco was held a few months later, but in a large and well ventilated hotel and most people enjoyed the summer sun on the terrace outdoors. 

I've not been feeling well all week since eating a donut last Friday and birthday cake on Saturday. I never had stomach issues before with wheat, only migraines, but I've had a bloated belly and indigestion. I won't be doing that again.

Kitchen installation in its 3rd week, but to be fair we've stripped it right back, had new electrics and lights, plumbing and plastering done. The back wall is finished and the base units are all fixed in place.

15 Saturday Neighbours 2 year olds birthday party in a village hall, lovely afternoon and I got to meet some new people. I decorated and iced cakes and biscuits and helped set up and tidy away.

16 Sunday We took Child 1 out for a Sunday lunch and purchased the wall tiles for the kitchen.

Presents from child 1 for us, her brothers and niblings.

17 Monday Early start for my job interview, they telephoned within an hour of me leaving to offer me the post, subject to DBS check and references. Will start sometime mid February. I walked home via the coffee shop. Nothing happened all afternoon other than watching the TV. Negative LFT.

18 Tuesday I spent the morning with the DBS check and submitted my self assessment tax return, then took Bob for a walk up the hills with a friend and her dog and sat outside for a coffee.

19 Wednesday I walked to the laundrette with my trolley, very impressed. Washed, dried in an hour and al for £6. Did some blogging, paid some bills, made some birthday cards and wrote letters. Negative LFT.

Everyone loves the colour, however this is just the protective film and we keep wishing we'd gone with this colour now.

20 Thursday Off to Gloucester to meet DIL and grandchild for some lunch and shopping.

21 Friday Another trip to the laundrette with the towels for the past 2 weeks, rest of the day spent pretty much the same as Wednesday. Chips and wine in the evening with friend and then kept awake late into the night after a 999 call to report criminal damage at a property opposite.

I've rediscovered my love for toasted sandwiches

On the blog this week:

Everybody has good neighbours? Don't they? Well we do.

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  1. I hope you feel better soon. At least you know what foods to be avoiding.
    How lovely to go to a little one's party and meet some new people. Congrats about the job! The kitchen is looking great and that's a good idea to go to the laundrette. x

  2. Looks like the kitchen's coming on nicely. Well done on the job. I love a toasted sandwich (or did before I cut carbs) - so much variation to choose for fillings.

    1. I can't go carb free, I've already cut out too many foods from my diet

  3. Great news about the job, and the kitchen looks like it's coming along nicely too. Pain about the drama on Friday but hopefully it will help the owners #365

    1. Property owners are local housing team, they'll just put tenants rent up to cover costs no doubt

  4. Congratulations on the job offer. Hope the kitchen is nearly done and sorry to hear about the criminal damage - I just don't understand some people's mindsets

    1. Court case is the 22nd, fingers crossed there is enough evidence so I don't have to go to court

  5. Congrats on the job! I used to love toasties before I went vegan, cheese just isn't the same... #project365

  6. How lovely to go to your neighbour’s 2-year-old’s birthday party. Hope the birthday boy had lots of fun. Sorry to hear that you’ve been feeling unwell since having a donut and birthday cake – hope that you are now feeling better again. Well done on getting your new job. The kitchen looks like it’s coming along nicely. #project365

    1. Thank you, I'm really looking forward to returning to the world of work soon

  7. I have not had a toasted sandwich for ages! Now I really fancy one. I must admit I do like the colour of the protective layer, what did you go for underneath? Well done on the new job that sounds very exciting. Lovely you got to celebrate your neighbours 2 year olds birthday, I do like meeting new people.

    1. It is possible to eat too many toasted sandwiches, I've gone off the idea again lol. The kitchen cupboards are grey

  8. Congratulations on the job offer. How funny that isn't the final kitchen colour and it does look so good. I don't think I have ever had a toasted sandwiches but we did have the machine for it growing up #365

    1. Love the new kitchen, we're used to the colour now, but did miss the blue for a while

