Friday, 25 March 2022

Things to consider when designing a kitchen.

I had two design ideas I wanted to incorporate into the kitchen and they were floor to ceiling units and no handles, to reduce the amount of cleaning and for maximum storage.

Good lighting was also essential.

Did you know washing machine doors are only available hinged on the left, opening on the right?

Had I realised this, I may have swopped the machine with the dishwasher to give me more room to load and unload, we're waiting for the integrated door to be fixed, it will open to the right to allow the machine door to open fully.

We opted to have drawers underneath the hob. The common issue here is the weight you can put in the drawers, which means our cast iron pans are in a different place.

I wish we'd opted for 3 drawers rather than 2, it is slightly annoying having to open the main drawer, then the cutlery one.

Did you also know that double cupboards will open in the middle hinged on the left and on the right, but if you have two single cupboards on the wall, then the doors will both open on the same side?

Double cupboard.

Both door open to the right, however if the door opened to the left on the larger cupboard it would hit the overhead extractor.

Originally these cupboard opened like this, we had the doors changed so they opened as if it was a double cupboard, like the one under the sink.

Finally the last thing, the colour and the finish. The blue in the photo is the protective cover. I'd decided against a block colour for fear of it dating, similar to the avocado bath suite of the 80's. However, I feel by opting for the grey, we've picked the colour associated with covid of 2021/22.

I also opted for the matt finish as I felt the shiny surfaces in the showroom showed up too many finger prints and looked streaky in certain lights. however the matt finish does the same and I'm not sure it's an issue that can be addressed anyway. 

These aren't complaints, they're things that can be worked around or I'd do differently next time, but I'm hoping this kitchen will be in place for a long time to come.



  1. A kitchen remodel changes everything and we are so happy with ours. So glad you are done with yours and enjoying the end result!

  2. WOW! Very Nice! Looks Great! LOTS of work for sure!

  3. There are so many things to think about when redesigning a kitchen that I find it all a bit overwhelming. However, yours is looking fantastic. I love the idea of no handles which, for some reason, has never occurred to me. It looks so neat and, as you say, makes cleaning easier. I'm going to pinch that idea! #pocolo

    1. Very happy with the layout, no so impressed with the quality of the paint finish, it shows all the finger marks and chips easily

  4. Sounds wonderful, Suzanne. Good choices! The thing I was most thrilled about after gutting and completely redoing my kitchen 15 years ago was the undercabinet lighting, which I see you also appreciate. #pocolo

  5. Your kitchen looks gorgeous. I am sure you'll get used to things like the drawers and the cupboard doors in time. x

  6. Your kitchen looks slick and spacious, love it X #pocolo

