Sunday, 6 March 2022

Week 9 One Daily Positive and Project 365

Last week I went to the GP for medication for my migraines as my ferritin levels were dropping, she said it's the menopause and I'm in denial. After I left she messaged me to say she'd read my notes and I was to arrange a blood test. She called messaged Monday to say Ferritin levels have dropped and to re issue my prescription, which is what I went in for in the first place.

I started my new job as a Learning Support Assistant in a Secondary School. I think I've identified my tribe in the staff room already. It's a really calm and relaxed environment.

I'm out of sync with my photos. managed to work it all out in the end (ish)

57 Saturday Off to Gloucester to visit Child 1 for the day. We had lunch out, home to watch the rugby. Fajitas for tea and the evening spent watching the TV. Neighbour tested positive for covid, I did an LFT it was negative, will do one again Sunday and Monday.

58 Sunday Walked the dog and cooked a Sunday roast. Afternoon spent cleaning upstairs ready for guests on Tuesday and got ready for starting my new job in the morning. Peter made a start with the window blinds.

I really need to get this shed sorted, just 2 days of dry weather should do it.

59 Monday Peter took me to work for 8.30am. Apparently I have to go in every day. I walked home just under 3 miles and plan to do this daily. Peter met me half way with the dog. Window blinds finished and I helped with fixing the new pelmet. 

St David's and Pancake Day and Spring has sprung.

60 Tuesday Off to work, walked home. Friends arrived visiting from their home in Germany. They were the some of the first people we met in South Africa 11 years ago. We went out to the pub for dinner.

Getting myself into a routine for work.

61 Wednesday While I was in work, Peter took our guests into Worcester and on to Stratford for the day. We spent the evening at home, drinking wine and catching up. 

The new day/night blinds and pelmet Peter made.

62 Thursday Off to work. Our visitors left mid morning, nice walk home, Peter came to meet me half way with the dog. I got to use the new washing machine, 3 loads of bedding and towels and there is 3 loads of clothes to go through over the weekend.

63 Friday Work again. Apparently I have to do this everyday. I've completed all the online training as well as observing and helping out in classrooms. I need to up my science and history knowledge if I'm to keep up with year 7.

A quiet night in to end the week.

On the blog this week:

Why it's important not to dismiss it as the menopause/peri menopause when a 50 year old women stands in front of you.

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  1. It sounds like your new job is going well. Good luck with the science & history knowledge. I am lost when it comes to my girls science work now, it all goes over my head.
    The blinds look fab! Well done Peter. x

  2. Must have been nice to catch up with your friends. Hope the job is going well, and you've settled into the routine there.

    1. week 2 almost finished, feel like I'm settling in well

  3. Glad you got your prescription reissued but how frustrating that the GP didn’t read the notes and just do that in the first place! Hope all is going well with your new job. Lovely to have friends visiting during the week. #project365

    1. all meds now sorted, was great to see our friends even though it was just a flying visit

  4. Glad you managed to find your tribe at work..hope the job continues to go well!

  5. Congrats on the new job, it sounds like you are still very busy out of hours! Hope your iron levels improve. #project365

  6. Congratulations on your new job as a Learning Support Assistant, nice to meet new people and find your tribe! I think your role will be very rewarding helping support pupils. I am sure you will brush up your knowledge in no time.

  7. Lol your comments about having to do it everyday made me laugh. I hope it continues to go well for you and good that you have already found your tribe. How lovely that you friends came to visit, so nice that people are starting to be able to travel and see people again

    1. it's lovely to be able to start seeing a few more people

