Friday, 25 March 2022

Post Comment Love 25th - 27th March 2022. Happy Mother's Day

Welcome back to #pocolo with Stephanie from Lifeat139a and I. It's lovely to have you back and to see new people joining in.

Happy Mother's Day to everyone who identifies as a Mum, I'm a mum of 3, but a mum to 5 and a Granny of 2. I've been used to having Mother's Day in May in South Africa and Dubai.

We/re both fully recovered from covid now. It wasn't nice, we've still got snotty noses, but have tested negative now. I did have a blip back at work when I thought that the only thing I'd done differently over the past two years was start work, but with so many of our friends and family having it at the same time (people we'd not been in contact with for at least a month, I've realised it's more to do with other people not wearing masks (mask mandate dropped the same time I started work)

Hopefully we'll be spending more time outdoors now the weather here is improving. I've actually gone bare footed for the first time in ages (no socks)

We're off to visit our daughter in her care home on Sunday then off to see MIL, SIL, niece and great nephew for his 1st birthday on Sunday, so a nice family day out to look forward to.

Do you have plans for this weekend? Do you 'do' Mother's Day? Now or in May?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Happy Mother's Day and I hope you have a lovely weekend visiting family and celebrating your great nephew's birthday!


    1. Thank you, hope you had a good mother's day also

  2. Suzanne, have a wonderful weekend! Thanks so much for hosting (and for reminding me on Twitter!). These Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies have a few other innovations as well.

