Monday, 26 September 2022

My English autumn garden

Despite the dry weather and change in temperatures the garden is still doing quite well. There are poppies and snapdragon in flower as well as the last gladioli. The lawn is growing fast and is a vibrant green and I suspect we have quite a few mows ahead of us.
There are still some tomatoes and chillis to ripen, a couple of sunflowers left to bloom and an abundance of weeding to be done.

The rhubarb will be picked, cooked and frozen soon.

Gladioli in bloom and a new wreath is in process.

Ripening chillis 

A few remaining tomatoes 

Bay tree off shoots to pot

The bougainvillea will need their roots protecting from the frost soon

The hydrangea showing new life after the dry/hot weather.

Lawns to mow and edging to do

Sunflowers drying for seeds next year

A few hidden flowers left to bloom

Thai basil


We spent the weekend at the Malvern Autumn Show, I resisted the temptation to buy any new plants.



  1. Your garden looks great. All this rain is really helping the grass grow.
    My garden is still doing well. I am surprised at how many flowers there still is. I am glad it's not just my sunflowers which are looking a little droopy. They did well over the summer though. x

    1. sadly we didn't get to see many of the flowers in full bloom

  2. I enjoyed the tour of your garden.
    Visiting from #3&4

  3. I picking the squash and apples yesterday. And 2 lonely but lovely zinnias!

