Monday, 26 August 2024

2024 Week 34 - One Daily Positive, Project 365 and A Selfie a Day.

Grandson is potty training. I promised him a 'big lorry' if he did a poo in the potty. He did one almost immediately. It's going really well. I've taken my eye off the ball a couple of times, relying on him to tell me when he wants the potty and found him hiding behind the sofa and under the dining room table and caught him in the nick of time. There have been a couple of accidents, but all in all, it's going really well.

I spent time this week catching up with stuff on my blog, tidying posts up and I sorted through photos, uploading family photos of the grandkids into private folders and copying files onto memory sticks.

I had a really bad migraine on the weekend and had to take some serious pain meds to be able to function on Sunday. I've got my MRI on Tuesday, so hopefully I'll get some more answers soon.

232  Monday Day spent with grandson, playing with his toy cars and reading books. DIL was working from home and son went to work mid morning. We had a video call with Grandad and watched the bin lorry collect the rubbish. Grandson and I walked to the shops then we baked and decorated cakes, had lunch then he went down for a nap while `I tided up. Afternoon spent playing. After dinner, there was more playing and after he went to bed, we watched some TV and I took advantage of an early night.

Showing Grandad the cakes we made.

233  Tuesday Grandson and DIL out by 7.30am. I had a relaxed morning. Son off work and we popped out to the shops.  He spent the day in nursery announcing 'my granny is here' In the evening we did foot prints for his uncle in Australia and then had a bath. 2 stories and straight to bed. I was in bed by 8.30pm.

Bedtime stories with Grandad.

234  Wednesday Morning spent washing and ironing. Then off on the bus to Lisburn for the day. I've been sorting photos on my laptop and uploading photos of the grandchildren into family albums. Olive arrived with Peter, our friends dog we're looking after while they're on holiday for 8 days. Son and DIl collected me mid afternoon and we picked grandson up from nursery, and dropped us off with the parent in laws while they went shopping. We had fish and chips for dinner. Home to do some hand prints, play with toys. Grandson in bed, we watched TV and I went to bed at 9pm.

235  Thursday I babysat in the morning while son took the one dog to the kennels and DIL ran a few errands, then they all left to go to a family wedding for the night. I stayed behind to house and dog sit. The second dog was spayed last week and couldn't go into kennels. I spent the day cleaning the kitchen, doing some washing, ironing and tidying. I had a bath and watched some TV.

236  Friday Had a lie in, packed and finished the ironing. I set about sorting through Grnadsons bedroom and reorganising his books. Son and family home mid morning. The parent in laws came over to say bye. There was time for cuddles with grandson then I was dropped off at the airport mid afternoon for flight home early evening. Peter collected me from the airport. Home, unpacked, bath and early night.

237 Saturday Had a lie in then off to Worcester as I wanted to get some stuff for the garden but everything had been replaced with Christmas stuff. I did mange to get some bits and pieces but an Amazon order is needed. We had a coffee out and I bought our granddaughters birthday present. Home for lunch then out to do some food shopping and collect a parcel for a friend. A migraine kicked in, early night.

238  Sunday Woke with a migraine, time spent repotting plants and tidying up the garden. Peter made a frame to support and train the Fig tree that's been relocated to the front garden. Afternoon spent in bed, had a bath, watched TV and bed early.

Pushkins and Olive tolerating one another.

Books read this week: 0

Words written towards book: 0

Clothes bought: 0

On the blog this week: 

Summer Holiday to Turkey 2024 

What made me happy this week: spending time with grandson. We're dog sitting Olive this week. Christmas is in all the shops.

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  1. Ahh! I don't miss the potty training days but it sounds like your Grandson is doing really well. It sounds like you had a lovely time with him. They are just lovely when they are that age. x

  2. Handy getting Grandma to do the potty training. Can't believe Christmas stuff is in the shops already. Haven't even gone back to school yet.

    1. The Christmas stuff has trumped the Halloween stuff already

  3. Well done to your grandson on doing well with the potty training. Sounds like you’ve had a lovely week spending time with him. Hope the migraine after you got home was short-lived. #project365

    1. it was a lovely week.The migraine took it's time but it has subsided

