Monday, 3 February 2025

Week 5 2025 - One Daily Positive and Project 365

Still sorting out Stephanie's finances with Gloucester County Council. They issued us with instructions, invoices, transferred Stephanie's finances to us that they managed on her behalf and are now chasing with debt collecting and requesting copies of invoices and proof of monies received. Why can't departments just talk to each other? All I actually need to do is send a copy of the funeral expenses payable from Stephanie's estate, which to date they've never requested and I've had no where to send to and now they're acting, like I've been refusing to send it. it's so stressful to deal with. Thankfully I have the emotional maturity and the know how to deal with these things.

Day 27
Mondays maths. I’m not a maths teacher, but I tutor the subject. I know how to do things, but sometimes I struggle to explain how. It’s the same with how I feel some days. It always looks more complicated than it is. I’m trying to resolve problems around Stephanie’s upcoming birthday. I'm failing to explain through words, so I’ve been writing my feelings down, it helps me it explain it to others. Work went well, me not so. Took myself for coffee and blogged in the evening. An early night.

Day 28
The welcome home committee. Peter is away for night and I had a meeting, then went for coffee, getting home at 6pm. Work was good today. I managed to drink a full hot cup of tea. Evening spent blogging and a relaxing bath.

Day 29
Me thinks this is a little lost or I took a wrong turning and I’m back in South Africa. It was 14 years we moved there, 10 year to Dubai and 5 years ago I was preparing to fly the cat and dog back to the UK in 2 days time. Life is moving on quickly. I managed a full cup of hot tea in work today as my counterpart wasn’t in today, so I had no extra students. Full recap of The Tempest and maths tutoring. Optician’s after work and new prescription. Peter was at home when I got back and evening spent downloading 14 years worth of photos from emails sent to us from Stephanie’s carers.

Day 30
Feeling a little broken, but also a little hopeful of being fixed. Unlike the drawer though, I don't look broken and people are taken by surprise every now and then. I've never blogged or spoken about work before, but it's been such a key point with providing me with stability, routine, friendships and a shoulder to cry on. A support network that I never realised could exist when others we're so isolated from others by distance and lack of empathy by some.

Day 31
Well that’s the end of the longest month I’ve ever had in my life, it went on forever. I don’t think I’ve ever said that about January before. A good day. A full month back in work. It’s a new role for me and the school having Alternative Provision which started back in September and I think I’ve finally got into the swing of things. Home for dinner, tv, bath and an early night with a video call with one of my favourite little people.

Day 32
A lie in and lazy morning followed by a bottomless brunch and cocktails with a friend in Worcester. We dined and ditched accidentally as I thought I’d made full payment on booking. They came walking down the street at a slow pace to catch up with us.

Day 33
A drive up to Kenilworth to meet my oldest Twitter buddy and our annual Christmas walk (postponed due to snow) it was a muddy 8+ miles followed by lunch and coffee. Home early evening, a snack, caught up with the soaps from the week and an early night.

Something to make you smile: 

No photos, but I ran up to a woman in the supermarket, slapped her on the back and yelled 'oi, oi, saveloy' she turned and I said 'oops sorry, you're not Sarah' she found it funny thankfully.

What's made me happy this week:

Time on my own, time with friends, good food and my cat.

On the blog this week:

A Selfie a day for a year

In desperate need of counselling - feeling hopeless

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  1. January did feel endless, I must agree, and I'm glad it's over. Sorry you have to deal with the heartless bureaucrats who cannot communicate between themselves.
    Glad to hear that the work environment gives you strength and support. We all process grief differently, and in your case it's still too fresh and too raw. I wish I could give you a hug.
    Your favourite little person looks very cute. And that's one muddy field all right. Love the welcoming committee by the window.

    1. February is just racing by. Work is such a tonic for me. The cat and the grandchildren are such a joy

  2. Sorting Stephanies finances sounds very frustrating.
    It looks like you are doing great with the maths. Writing things down does help in maths and in life. It is good that you have found so much support from being at work.
    The bottomless brunch sounds like fun but it did make me chuckle about not paying in full. hehehe Oops.

    1. I can't believe I walked out of brunch without paying, it still makes me chuckle

  3. Lol to the supermarket not Sarah. Sounds like the sort of thing I'd do! Glad work is going well, it always sounds like there's a good lot of colleagues there. Hopefully February will be brighter for you.

  4. I'm sorry to hear about the problems you are having around Stephanies finances, it's the last thing you need at the moment.
    The rainbow reflection on the drawer made me think that even when things or people are broken they are still beautiful.
    Wishing you a less stressful and more gentle February.

    1. Thank you. I'm still waiting for the drawer to be fixed, will probably take it home and ask Peter to do it

  5. What a mess with the finances,. especially when it is such a difficult time and the authorities could have made everything easier, as they should.
    Lovely story from the supermarket and also it was lovely to see you had a great time out with your friend.

    1. The finances are all with the same department, it's so frustrating

  6. So sorry that having to deal with Stephanie’s finances is so stressful – not what you need when dealing with grief as well and it would be so much easier if council departments communicated better with each other. Hope you get it all sorted out soon. I’m glad work gives you a support network to help you through. Oops to slapping the wrong woman on the back in the supermarket – glad she saw the funny side! Hope that Stephanie’s birthday was as gentle as it could have been and that February is a kinder month for you x

    1. Stephanie's birthday turned out to be a lovely day

