Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Lekker Mums

Last weeks Lekker Mums was hosted by Chloe at @ourpeagreenpod, the challenges set this week are:
1. Body - Your Sunshine Rituals
I stay out of it as much as possible...yeah I know boring, but the sun shines here everyday, in the summer reaching temps in the mid 30s and winter low 20s. I wear factor 50 on my face and neck to stop it going all scrawny

2. Mind - That Niggling Feeling

Quite often in life there is always something that we need to do but that we keep putting off. If you are anything like me there will be about 23 of these things at any given time. This week I quite simply want to encourage you to tick one of these silly little things off your list & feel the satisfaction that comes with the knowledge that there is one less thing to do! For now...!

Get back into swimming, I keep finding excuses as to why I can't go.

3. Spirit - Memories & Legacy

How would you like your spirit to live on? What stories would you like to share with your children that you haven't all ready? How do you want your children to remember you? Why not share a favourite memory with us? What else would you like to be your legacy?

As we are moving tomorrow, I've been writing names on the back of photos. I've also gone to the trouble to print my blog off and put it into a booklet for the kids to read we are adding the photos to it.

4. Special Days - Diamonds & Rings

They say in times of 'economic downturn' it is important for the people to keep morale up & to have events which lift people's spirits. We are certainly doing that this summer with the Diamond Jubilee & indeed the Olympics. Whether you are positively enthusiatic or just plain nonplussed about these giant events, why not have a think about what kinds of events lift your spirits. Could you get involved in some activities nearer to home? Are you taking part in any of the national celebrations this summer? Could you throw a tea party? Could you have a rave? What event, big or small, could you get involved with that would boost morale in your area?

I'm spending time raising awareness, funds and donating my time to various schools in townships near us...I won't be spending money on celebrating the jubilee, when there are people dying of starvation within a 10km radius.

5. A Big Question - Do You Do Enough?

It is natural as a parent to want to do as best by our children as we can, but, honestly do we really think we are doing enough? Or are we doing too much? How can we tell that what we are doing is right? I'm not sure I have the answers but I'd love to hear you discuss...

You can never do enough for your kids, they will always be left wanting, what you think is best isn't always what they want to do and vice versa.

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