Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Wow, you've lost soooo much weight.

Er no I haven't.

I've lost the number of times people say this to me, especially when they haven't seen me for a few weeks. Do people have a mental image of me being fat? How do they describe me? 'you know the chubby one that needs to lose weight?

A woman at school said to me today I'd lost so much weight that it really suited me. I told her straight, I haven't lost any weight, But she was adamant that I had, that I had been so much bigger last time she saw me. She was right, I was wrong....No other explanation.

I'm 5ft 7in and weigh 11 stone, yep quite heavy and you'd think I'd need to lose weight, but not really.

I do prefer to wear baggy clothes, loose fitting, especially in this heat, but that doesn't mean I'm covering up my fat.

I wear a size 10-12 on the lower half and a 14-16 on the top half.

So I decided to take some pictures of my fatness so I can take comparative shots next time I'm told I've lost weight.

Front and side images clothed, as appears naturally and as appears when I readjust the waist band on my jeans...i.e.pull them up.

I bought these jeans from Fat Face in November 2010 in a size 10.


  1. I'm glad someone else has a bigger top half than bottom half and it's not just me!

    I shall look out for updated pictures and give you my opinion as to weight loss.

    Go you for being brave enough to post pics of yourself on here - I do not have that kind of courage!

    Lou :-)

    1. i was wearing skiiny jeans on the weekend and hubby said i looked like a

  2. haha you are the same size as me (I weigh a tad over 10stone - haven't checked lately) why do people think it's OK to comment? Unless they know you were trying to lose weight, would they also say 'Wow you've got fat!'? if it was the other way!

    1. People just have a mental image of me being fat, there is no other explanation. I get told I've lost weight nearly every month.....the best comments are.... ' but you eat so much junk how do you loose so much weight?' My response is I haven't lost weight.

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  21. I'm 5'6" and weigh 13 stone - I think you look great

