Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Feeling overwhelmed

I love lists. I creat lists. I add to them even after I've done something so when I look at my list I can see what I've achieved.

I also use lists as a way of not doing things.

I've about a million and one projects on the go right now.

Currently there are these lists on the go. Yes more than one.

Stuff to do in the home
1) sort photos
2) sort crafts then do some
3) finish sewing bunting and scarves

Stuff to do outside the home
1) visit stores/businesses with sponsorship proposals
2) general food ship and supplies (that has it's own list)
3) get dogs claws clipped

Stuff to do online in no particular order
1) book campsite
2) copy writing
3) comic relief proposal
4) blog posts (there's a seperate list for that also
5) link sponsored posts to companies on twitter and Facebook 
6) book Apple Mac tutorial
7) write up charity blogs for a kungwini and Viva
8) investigate move to Dubai and transportation of pets
9) finish watching Inspector Lynley series on you tube

I was just about coping with all of this and was on top of things until my stressful drive to Mamelodi this morning in the rain, with hidden craters/potholes and idiots driving without lights when I stopped for a take out coffee and was told the machine wasn't working.

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