Tuesday, 24 March 2015

My dog won't bite you

I know for someone who is frightened of dogs that hearing the above statement is not very reassuring, but if you are coming to my house every day to do my gardening and you can't be bothered to set a fixed time then you are just going to have to get used to my dog.

My dog doesn't bark when you ring the bell, he lets you in the garden with a glance and walks off back into the coolness of the house.

Every time they deliver the water on a Tuesday morning at 10am we have to go through the same routine. Every time a repair man turns up, today it's the air con service and there are 3 of them, we have a palaver of the dog not biting them and while we are having this discussion, my, so obviously not a guard dog, wanders off leaving me with 3 strange men in the house.

But what winds me up the most and it happened in South Africa as well as here in Dubai is when I go dog walking.

Bob is on a lead, when I see someone I assume they may not like dogs, so I pull him onto a short lead, either a) cross the road or b) walk between my dog and the other person.

He never pulls on the lead to explore them, he never barks at strangers, he just carries on walking while they, hop, skip, scream, run away (in one case the other evening into the path of an oncoming car) yelling 'don't let your dog bite me'


  1. It is a shame some dog owners can give your well behaved dog a bad name. I am always cautious with dogs but Bob sounds truly lovely. #AnimalTales

    1. is he so placid, i just hope that if the time ever comes he does step up to the mark

  2. I don't walk with Lucy but David does and he has this issue all the time even when he is with the kids.

    People are strange!

    1. i noticed it more so in South Africa than here, it must be a cultural thing because when we go to the shops, people just rush up to pet him

  3. Bob is so beautiful. Our Geri girl (staffy X) gets some worried looks too. But then again she does bark, and if she doesn't like you might growl too. She pulls at her lead when excited and squeals this awful sound (it's ever so embarrassing) if you don't let her run after whatever it is she wants to chase, or lick, or jump on - it might be a rabbit but it might be you.
    We tell people 'Beware of the dog! She'll lick you to death.' I'm not sure if that's any more reassuring then telling them she won't bite but's it's funnier :p

    1. oh that squeal, i tell Bob to stop it as he sounds like a little girl...lol

  4. Or when people give you a look because your "teen-age" dog is just a little bit too excitable! I get that a lot from fellow-dog-walkers, as if to say "Can't you calm your own dog?". Oh well, I guess people have their reasons ;) #animaltales.

    1. if my dog bit people i certainly wouldn't take him out

  5. If a dog is walking calmly on the lead, I'm amazed people get so worried.

  6. It's sad when people presume all dogs will bite them but I guess it's better than them all coming up and stroking him. I'll never forget taking a friend's dog for a walk in New York City that literally was the size of a bear - it was like the parting of the seas everywhere I went.

  7. Replies
    1. and so is Polka, to think he was intimidated by your dog

  8. It certainly does sound like a cultural thing - here in France there are dogs everywhere, many not on a lead and no-one seems nervous of them. That said, we are still working hard at calming Harry down as even ardent dog lovers don't like a dog leaping towards them, however friendly and we don't want him barking like mad when anyone knock on the door.

    Many thanks for adding Bob's story to #AnimalTales

    1. i'll try to link up the cat finding her 'spot' in our new home next week

  9. I'm guessing dogs aren't that common as pets in Dubai? Is htis part of the issue, peopel just aren't use to them. When I'm out with the kids I always try and keep them away from dogs simply because you never know what a dog is like or how it may react.

    1. people keep dogs everywhere in Dubai but i suppose that's due to the number of different nationalities here, unfortunately people don't clean up after their dogs here so there is a total ban in parks and on the beaches, which is a shame. Also the Koran isn't very clear on dogs, but they are to be treated well as are all animals. Even though I'm a dog owner I'm still wary of other peoples dogs whether they're on a lead or not having been bitten twice, by other family members dogs. I get so irritated when I'm a responsible dog owner but get lumped in with the bad ones

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